HEADLINE: “White House pushing ahead research to cool Earth by reflecting back sunlight”

These jackasses claim that “Global Warming”, which has been repeatedly proven to be a total lie by the very best of our scientists, is a danger to the planet and are researching ways to reflect the Sun’s heat back into space.

Another headline today also says that an early Arctic Cold Front is moving into the Midwest and East of the US. Does that sound like a warming climate?

The preferred method of blocking sunlight is by pumping stuff into our atmosphere that reflects light. It doesn’t matter what kind of junk they decide to use, it’s all harmful crap that damages the environment and is damaging to lungs. The only way I can see that they might do this is try to orbit a reflective screen or film that travels ahead of us in space.

If they were successful in doing this it would plunge Earth into an Ice Age that our planet might never recover from. The balance of solar energy, atmospheric absorption and reflection, with the distance of Earth from the Sun, is critical and fluctuates over literally eons, millions of years, and screwing with it is absolutely suicidal.

My hope is that this is just another Bridge to Nowhere financial boondoggle that has more government control, taxation and Elite payola as it’s real purpose. God forbid they should actually try to control the climate on that scale.