That’s me, on this blog, for a while now. The reason is that I’ve been recovering from a serious case of OPS, Other People’s Stupidity.

A year ago I hired a legal assistance firm to deal with the eviction of a tenant from a house I’d rented, because he quit paying the rent. California has the worst laws in our nation, against landlords and for tenants, and it’s very expensive and takes a long time and the filing of lots of legal forms to get rid of a bad tenant.

After the final papers had been done, after going to a court trial and finally getting the order to remove the tenant, it turns out that the legal service I hired got the address wrong on the papers and that means it has to be done all over again.

The legal service people now say they might be able to get the judge to give them a pass on their error and fix this.

If they don’t I have no choice but to go through this all over again. This is part of my income, that I haven’t had for a year now while that worthless Mexican motherfucking tenant continues to live for free, on me. I’ve been really physically and emotionally invested in getting this guy out and finding out at the very end that it’s not happening and has to be done over, upset my state of mind more than I know how to express.

But reality always has to be accepted and dealt with eventually, so that’s what I’m doing. I sure hope they can fix their screwup, though.