Remember when earlier this year and the year before, both, we were told that there were going to be massive food shortages? Where are they? Prices have gone up on food, yes, and chickens and eggs most of all because they’ve been burning down the chicken farms where they couldn’t infect the birds with Bird Flu, but all that’s done is drive up the prices. There’s still plenty of chicken and eggs in every grocery store.

What’s mostly driven up prices on everything, too, is all the money printing. When you dump another $8 Trillion or so into the economy, you cheapen the value of the dollar, and of course everyone raises prices to compensate. That’s inflation.

But the shortages and starvation and blah blah that we’ve been told was coming, never came, and it’s sure not because anyone in our government did anything right. What the hell was the purpose of telling us all that stuff when it was all bullshit and did nothing?

That looks like disorganization to me. Like there’s a lot of quiet infighting going on right now for positions of power and they’re too busy to coordinate their plans. The 20 “Republican” Uniparty members who refused to vote for that Far Left piece of shit McCarthy for House Speaker, for instance. The media played that as them being patriotic Americans and proof that we still have democracy, and if you buy that I have a bridge to sell you because it looks a lot more like they were making it clear that they have power as a group.

This is just an observation on my part and I’ll leave it at that, as something I thought worth noting.


“Almost half of top foreign-policy experts think Russia will become a failed state or break up by 2033, according to a new survey.” From MSN “business Insider”.

Various analysts, from business and economics to the military, are predicting the collapse of Russia because of their war with Ukraine. I said from the start of their invasion that this was a plot to destroy Russia, that Putin was enticed to invade Ukraine by feeding him false information.

Remember when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990? If you’re old enough to remember, Saddam was tricked into invading Kuwait by our ambassador to the Middle East, a woman at the time, who said that we would not defend Kuwait, knowing full well that Saddam wanted to invade and take over the country but was only held back because of his fear of us intervening.

Why did we trick him into doing this? Because we wanted an excuse to go to war with Iraq. Why did we want a war with Iraq? To take over their oil industry. Ultimately that failed because the Arabs are such a violent bunch of disorganized fanatical Muslims that controlling them all so we could start pumping out their oil proved to be impossible.

So now we’ve gone and done it again, but at least this time it wasn’t for oil, it was stop Russia from being a hundred years long bully and pain in the world’s ass. The Globalists want to put an end to nationalism and borders and getting rid of Russia is a big step. Russia is going to lose this war and in a big way. Keep watching.