The Russians are still attacking Ukraine cities with flying bombs. Missiles loaded with explosives. It seems to me to be past time that a massive bombing attack was launched on Russia of not just missiles but drone bomber aircraft. Take the war to them full bore and blast the hell out of them, give them some Shock and Awe.

Take out their air defenses, aircraft and airports and then send in piloted bombers with massive loads and drop them on their most important cities. Destroy their weaponry and kill off 100,000 Russian civilians and then see how much the people support this invasion.

Bomb their nuclear power plants and create a few major disasters. Bomb their chemical plants and release thousands of tons of toxic chemicals into their environment, poisoning them and their children. See how much they like invading and killing innocent Ukrainians then. Maybe they’ll finally wake up and get rid of Putin before he brings death and destruction to the whole country, because that literally is where this is heading.

This war continues to escalate with more and more EU nations getting into it by donating their war machines to Ukraine and providing technicians to train them in their use. More tanks are coming that are far superior to the Russian ones, more surface to air and surface to surface missile systems are coming, more aircraft are coming, more artillery is coming, more rifles, ammo, night vision, personal armor, more everything is coming to Ukraine in a steady flood and the Russians can’t win. Not by any means because they’re flatly outnumbered and outgunned and Putin’s already been warned that if he uses so much as one small “tactical” nuke, Russia will be destroyed.

He hasn’t stopped because he must still think he can win at least part of Ukraine and so, declare victory. He’s tried to force such a concession with nuclear threats which failed to impress anyone, but he still thinks he can bully his way to victory or something that he can call a victory.

I don’t doubt that when he sees his army steadily pushed back and destroyed, as he runs out of war machines while explosions inside Russia increase, that he’ll resort to using at least one nuclear weapon in desperation. I’m sure our EU and NATO allies see this as likely, as well, which tells me that before we reach this point there will be a strike that takes him out or he’ll be assassinated by someone close to him.

I wish them great success. It’s far past time that Russia joined the rest of Europe as a contributing member instead of being the Eternal Conqueror. What may be needed to stop this, at least it’s an option, is for the NATO nations to jointly declare war on Russia, or at least declare the intention to do so if Putin doesn’t withdraw his forces.