Two sides of the same coin. With Capitalism you don’t earn money by the sweat of your brow, through your labor, you “make” money by taking advantage of changes in the marketplace. Essentially, by buying low and selling high.

Communism has as it’s mantra, “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”

Capitalism creates the very wealthy class who employ laborers at the lowest rates possible, resulting in a two class system, the rich and the poor. This creates Communism because the people always rise up against the rich and form unions which demand a larger share of the profit or they’ll shut down the industries of the rich.

The poor gladly embrace a system that guarantees them more equality. This is the strength of Communism.

Where both fail is that they’re rigid systems that lack compatibility with each other or other systems, and ever since Lenin and Marx, our world has been oscillating back and forth between one side or the other. The American experiment in Democracy tried to meld the two together by embracing a Judeo-Christian form of government that recognized individual freedom within limits, but it’s now collapsing under the onslaught of human greed, more than anything else, simply because America has been such a massive generator of wealth because of it’s success.

Greed threatens to be the downfall of the largest Communist nation, China, as well, because of their persistent efforts to dominate their neighbors, with a clear intention of world domination. This only leads to war, in which everyone loses.

Now enter Globalism. No one seems to notice that the richest people on Earth are Capitalists who are now using their vast fortunes to end nationalism and drastically reduce the human population that made them their fortunes. Think about that, it only makes sense when viewed in the proper perspective. Which is:

If you have anything close to a $billion, you have complete freedom to travel the world and see what’s going on. Your mind isn’t occupied with work and family, instead you can give your attention to the putrid polluted mess our excess population is making of YOUR planet, and you realize that most of us are unnecessary, we’re “Useless Eaters” who are wrecking the place. YOUR place.

What good is all that money you made if the planet you live on is becoming uninhabitable? Not much, right? So it’s time to clean the place up and after all those Useless Eaters are gone, you’ll still be rich and so will all your rich friends.

There’s much more to this story, involving past events as well as the probable future, stifled technology, red herrings and vastly more. This is the basics.