Two sides of the same coin. With Capitalism you don’t earn money by the sweat of your brow, through your labor, you “make” money by taking advantage of changes in the marketplace. Essentially, by buying low and selling high.

Communism has as it’s mantra, “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”

Capitalism creates the very wealthy class who employ laborers at the lowest rates possible, resulting in a two class system, the rich and the poor. This creates Communism because the people always rise up against the rich and form unions which demand a larger share of the profit or they’ll shut down the industries of the rich.

The poor gladly embrace a system that guarantees them more equality. This is the strength of Communism.

Where both fail is that they’re rigid systems that lack compatibility with each other or other systems, and ever since Lenin and Marx, our world has been oscillating back and forth between one side or the other. The American experiment in Democracy tried to meld the two together by embracing a Judeo-Christian form of government that recognized individual freedom within limits, but it’s now collapsing under the onslaught of human greed, more than anything else, simply because America has been such a massive generator of wealth because of it’s success.

Greed threatens to be the downfall of the largest Communist nation, China, as well, because of their persistent efforts to dominate their neighbors, with a clear intention of world domination. This only leads to war, in which everyone loses.

Now enter Globalism. No one seems to notice that the richest people on Earth are Capitalists who are now using their vast fortunes to end nationalism and drastically reduce the human population that made them their fortunes. Think about that, it only makes sense when viewed in the proper perspective. Which is:

If you have anything close to a $billion, you have complete freedom to travel the world and see what’s going on. Your mind isn’t occupied with work and family, instead you can give your attention to the putrid polluted mess our excess population is making of YOUR planet, and you realize that most of us are unnecessary, we’re “Useless Eaters” who are wrecking the place. YOUR place.

What good is all that money you made if the planet you live on is becoming uninhabitable? Not much, right? So it’s time to clean the place up and after all those Useless Eaters are gone, you’ll still be rich and so will all your rich friends.

There’s much more to this story, involving past events as well as the probable future, stifled technology, red herrings and vastly more. This is the basics.




    Now that the House has elected a Speaker, they can begin governing everyone again. Many were terrified at the prospect of not having a functioning government there to tell them what to do while enacting new and expensive legislation that robs their pockets and liberty. Those who worship big government can now get back on their knees and spout a prayer of thanks.

    Speaker McCarthy is a very experienced politician and that’s not a good thing. It means he’s used to compromising and getting along to go along. He revealed his ‘tell’ in his acceptance speech. He invoked the name of Lincoln and how great that president was and blah blah blah.

    Everyone saw how angry McCarthy became when one of the last MAGA holdouts, Matt Gaetz refused to vote for him. The Neocon RINO Representative Mike Rogers of Alabama was so incensed that he seemed to threaten violence toward Gaetz. This is not surprising, because Rogers probably thought his gravy train was being unduly delayed.

    Too many go to Congress ostensibly to represent their voters, but when they get there they go along with the Uniparty and then they get very rich due to insider trading and kickbacks. They get very comfortable and end up doing all they can to support the Swamp rather than drain it.

    Promises were made this time around, but to me they were made to be broken. Let’s start with cancelling the 87,000 armed IRS agents who will be ready to swoop down on the middle class and destroy them. We know the socialist Democrats love the IRS.

    They pretend the IRS will go after the rich, but the middle class can’t afford tax lawyers, so they will suffer the most. The Democrats will never relinquish their power to transfer money from hard working people and give it to various victims du jour. The RINOs will be enlisted to go along. Most likely we’ll see a small cut in the amount of those new IRS agents—and you can be sure the Republicans will cynically trumpet it as a victory.

    The Republican Party loves to complain, but they do little to stop the spending, the debt, the open borders, and the open corruption taking place. That’s because they benefit from many of those problems. The complaining is for the benefit of their voters. Trey Gowdy did this when he was a Representative in the House.

    Now that he’s on Fox News, he parrots the warmonger establishment NeoCon, Sean Hannity. Remember, when the Republicans were in charge during Trump’s first two years, the wall was not built, and real change was not made. Expect more of the same inertia.

    The Republican-controlled House has to put up or shut up. At this point I’m in ‘show me’ mode.

    I have a feeling they’ll show us the same old same old.

    — Ben Garrison


    Florida to Officially Strip Disney of Self-Governing Status:

    “The Corporate Kingdom Has Come to an End”

    The Florida Legislature has moved to officially strip Disney of its self-governing status, according to Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’s office.

    The state Legislature announced Friday that it is ending the self-governing status of the Reedy Creek Improvement District (RCID), where Walt Disney World is located.

    DeSantis signed legislation stripping the company of its special tax status in April, Slay News reported at the time.

    The move came following the company’s public opposition to the Parental Rights in Education Bill, which DeSantis signed into law.

    “This company had a deal, unlike any company or individual in all of the state of Florida, probably anywhere in the United States,” DeSantis told Fox News host Tucker Carlson at the time.

    “They were self-governing, they had extraordinary powers, they could build nuclear power plants, they didn’t have to go through permitting processes and obviously a lot of tax benefits. And that’s just inappropriate.”


    Has the American Experiment Failed?

    Thomas Jefferson said, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground,” and that has been borne out by history with the few bright exceptions in which society demanded the freedom to live as they ought. The founding of the United States of America was one of those bright moments. Often described as an experiment, it was one of the most improbable series of events in history in which people threw off the shackles of their government and sought out to see if they could rule themselves.

    As we saw, the experiment was difficult to replicate. France immediately tried to do it and ended up burning their country down in a reign of terror. Russia tried it and not only killed off 30 million of her own people but nearly brought the world to nuclear oblivion. As we have seen with the “democracy-building” projects in the Middle East, it’s not as easy as it may seem.

    Furthermore, in a dark turn for social science, the American experiment itself appears to have ended in utter failure as well.

    It was forewarned by the Founding Fathers. Jefferson said that “even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” And after the Framers had hammered out the U.S. Constitution in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin told an inquiring woman that the congress had produced, “A republic, madam, if you can keep it.”



    Today is the second anniversary of the January 6th protest of the stolen election. Never forget our fellow patriots still locked up in Pelosi’s gulag for two years. Freedom Friday, release the January 6 protestors.

    MAGA Republican voters have got to be frustrated. If we’re lucky, we are able to see our chosen representatives sent to Congress. Unfortunately too many of them become Swamp dwellers. They go along to get along. Many turn into RINOs (Republican In Name Only) and meld together with the Democrats to form what’s known as the “Uni-Party.”

    They then vote for massive spending packages that they don’t even read. The trillions of dollars spent drives up inflation for the average man. They vote for funding an insane war that we have no stake in. Over $100 billion has gone to Ukraine only to further the corruption and death there. Yes, too many Republicans are in favor of this war, because they love the Military Industrial Complex and do their bidding.

    Sean Hannity, the war monger and establishment shill at Fox News, was in angry form as he barked at Representative Lauren Boebert because she’s one of 20 who are holding up the election of Kevin McCarthy to House Speaker. Hannity yelled that we needed ‘governance’ to resume.

    That got me thinking. Why? What has the House and indeed the Senate and White House done for us lately? They’ve done nothing to help our border.

    Politicians are elected and get fabulously rich and enjoy generous benefits while they sit back and invent ways to stick it to American citizens. Congress has brought us the NDAA, the so-called “Patriot Act,” (should be renamed “UNpatriotic Act”), as well as 87,000 IRS agents ready to harass the average Joe.

    This is what Congress does. They steal from voters by means of taxes. They stab their voters in the back the first chance they get with legislation that limits freedom. The twenty Republicans who actually listen to their voters have had enough of it and are holding up the show. This enrages Hannity (who claimed not to know what the Bilderberg meetings were) and power brokers such as Karl Rove, who helped rig Republican primaries against Ron Paul during the latter’s campaigns for president.


    Biden is doling out medals to ‘heroic’ Capitol policemen who (supposedly) faced death while protecting Congress from the January 6 protestors. Joe repeatedly smeared those patriots as “The Mob.”

    A slurring and mumbling Biden said a ‘violent mob of insurrectionists’ attacked the sacred halls of the Capitol. Biden claimed to be part of “We The People” and part of ‘our democracy’ who protected the Capitol, while impugning the MAGA minded were traitors.

    It’s just the opposite. The protestors were not armed. They were guided in by Pelosi’s FBI agents. Remember Ray Epps? Remember the loud megaphone man atop a scaffold? FBI plants. Entrance doors were opened. No police were attacked. None of them died on the scene even if Joe blatantly LIES about it and makes up false narratives. One Trump-supporting protestor, Ashli Babbit was murdered, however.

    You and your corrupt Democrats and FBI are continuing to round up peaceful protestors. They are sent to dungeons where they are beaten, stripped of their Constitutional rights, and given ridiculously long prison sentences. Why don’t you give Ray Epps a medal?

    No, Joe—they weren’t a mob. They were patriotic Americans protesting a STOLEN election—the one stolen for you, a pedophile, a liar, a completely compromised and corrupted politician. YOU are the insurrectionist. YOU are the bad guy here. YOU are the traitor. Not those who used their First Amendment right to protest you.


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