Ever stop to wonder why there’s such an effort in the most developed nations to create robots that look and can perform like people? Why bother when there’s so many people who will do anything they’re told to?

I’ve talked on this blog many times of the problems caused by over-population, the increasing consumption of limited resources, the extinctions and pending extinctions, the pollution, crime and all the rest of it.

Now imagine a world where there’s only a sixteenth as many people as today, where instead of 8 billion people, most of whom are living in poverty, there are 500 million people, all of whom are rich and have all the servants and workers the world needs, who are all robots.

Have you heard that the Globalist’s goal is to whittle our population down to 500 million? With so few people, what do you think will happen to cities? For the answer, look at what the really rich do. Most of them buy secluded estates to keep the city people away from them, and if they live in the cities they live in gated communities with fancy homes and lots of guards.

They attend private showings of films and go to private parties. They don’t mix with the common people. They don’t want to be around us and when we’re gone they won’t miss us because they won’t need all those fences, locks and guards anymore, or the bulletproof glass in their car windows.

Some of those dead 7.5 billion people will be replaced by robots, to do cleaning and cooking and so on. With a unified world, there will be no need for soldiers because there won’t be any wars. There will still have to be human workers, and the rich will still have to be productive, but the working class will be valued, respected and well paid. Everyone will be very well off because with all those extra people gone, there will be plenty of resources to go around.

Do you like eating lobster but can’t afford it? You could if the demand for it was reduced by a factor of 16 times. Want a brand new, self-driving car? If it was made in a factory by robots, everyone could have one.

This may not be the world the Globalists are aiming for, hell, maybe they want to form a tyranny like that horror show in North Korea instead, but I doubt it. They have few resources there and the government is insane. Take away all those people and replace them with robots and the whole point of that government collapses.

There’s really only one form of government that could succeed for the very long term, which is a total dictatorship with total control, low population and no poverty. Past dictatorships always promise prosperity and then the people starve, and the government falls apart. Humans need to be controlled until that distant day when we finally exercise self-control, but we also need to be happy. Reduce our numbers, make life easier and safer with enough to eat, and keep us from forming hate groups and committing criminal acts. Control us, give us robot servants and workers and police, and if we still can’t thrive, then let us devolve back into stupid, hairy beasts that don’t wipe our asses. But first, let’s give evolution another chance.