Because now the TRANS TERRORISTS are here.

I keep saying, and I’m not alone, that this “Trans” bullshit is insanity. It’s officially insanity, it’s called Gender Dysphoria and is recognized among the head shrinkers, aka psychologists and psychiatrists of the world, as a MENTAL DISORDER.

Because these people are getting lots of hormone shots to make them grow more hair/stop growing more hair, grow breasts/stop growing breasts and generally try to force their bodies into becoming what they were never meant to be, these loons are going clear out of their minds and are running around killing people.

The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) is pushing forward with its ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ protest in Wash. DC on April 1 in spite of this latest insane slaughter. The Virginia chapter of the group held a “dance party fundraiser” in Richmond “benefiting firearm/self-defence training for trans-Virginians” on March 7th, before the mass shooting by Audrey Hale had taken place. is set to begin outside the U.S. Supreme Court and will protest the various bills in numerous states limiting “gender-affirming” health care. Don’t be surprised if people start shooting. And do take note, this is happening on April Fools Day. Why is that so very appropriate?

So now we have Antifa, BLM and TRAN all running around with guns committing acts of mayhem. The Queers have guns and have joined in the battle against normalcy.

The “Trans Community” is now the FASTEST GROWING TERRORIST GROUP IN THE WORLD. The latest terrorist attack was by Audrey Hale, a 28 year old woman who was taking Testosterone injections to try to look more like a man. She entered a school and opened fire, killing 3 little 9 year old children and 3 adults.

This is the latest in a recent string of terrorist murders by these so-called “Trans” people, who should be getting treatment for their mental illnesses instead of encouraged to get worse and given injections and surgery options. But no, our government encourages the insanity and supports it, and isn’t alone in doing so, it’s all the rage over in Western Europe as well.

We know why. Every time some young person is convinced to become homosexual or undergo procedures that will effectively sterilize them, then one more person is withdrawn from the gene pool, one more person will never parent a child, and this helps reduce the human population. Reducing our numbers on this planet is a good thing because we’re wrecking the place, but creating berserk monsters in the process is a bad thing. How about you Globalists showing a little more class, huh?



    Trans Madness Goes Corporate – Grrr Graphics


    Cartoon published 04/10/2023

    More and more corporations are receiving pressure not only from the globalist forces of ‘woke’ but also from their own HR Departments to put transexual representatives in their advertising.

    The latest example of this is Budweiser, who hired a loopy, wide-eyed, over-projecting man pretending to be a woman to push their product. Few expect their customer base, the lower and middle class working men, to embrace this campaign. In fact, many will end up rejecting Budweiser altogether—much like they did with Hershey when they put a man pretending to be a woman on one of their candy bars to ‘honor women.’

    If a man wants to pretend to be a woman or if a woman wants to pretend to be a man, then that’s their prerogative. Freedom dictates we let them do what they want as long as they’re not harming others. Still, there is no such thing as ‘trans.’ It’s scientifically impossible for a man to become a woman. He lacks the genetics as well as the ovaries. Sure, he can take hormones, get breast implants and sexually mutilate himself, but he’ll never be able to have ovaries or the correct genetic DNA makeup by sheer force of will.

    When they say a trans woman is a real woman, it’s a lie.

    It’s a delusion and they’re certainly entitled to delude themselves. The problem occurs when they insist you join them in their delusion—by mass media persuasion at first and then by force. This may happen in Canada. Those questioning the trans movement could end up getting fined or imprisoned for ‘hate speech’ if the anti-free speech far-left loons have their way.

    Here in America Joe Biden said that trans people ‘are the soul of the nation.’ No they’re not. Joe is a habitual liar.

    The soul of the nation is freedom and if one wants to look deeper, it’s Christianity. The trans movement is at odds with all Christians. The radical trans mob cannot tolerate being told they are wrong. Their mass delusion prevails simply because they say constantly repeat that it’s possible for a man to be woman even though it’s obviously impossible. As someone said, the trans people want to be their own gods and change the laws of nature and physics simply because they think they can make it so by force of will. It’s really a form of insanity. A person cannot ’trans’ to the opposite sex any more than a cat can ‘trans’ into a dog or a rock ‘trans’ into a tree.

    “It’s a MAN, baby”

    Many so-called ‘trans’ people are now threatening violence. They cannot tolerate having their sensitive delusion questioned. Riley Gaines a real female swimming champion and she was recently attacked by a man wearing a dress amidst a throng of trans activists who screamed at her because she objected to having a naked ‘trans’ man in the woman’s locker room.

    The worst aspect of the trans delusion: The woke, Marxist educators are pushing it on children in schools. They try to convince confused boys that they are really girls and tell girls they are really boys. Dangerous hormone treatments and even sexual mutilation follows.

    This is evil. All states must pass law banning the ‘transitioning’ of children.

    The globalists continue to push the trans movement and their other big lie, ‘climate change.’ They do this to cause confusion and frustration so they can tighten their web of tyranny and mind control. Nobody wants to be a bigot or ‘anti-planet’ so they end up accepting it. I’m telling everyone to stop accepting it.

    Stop accepting evil.

    Stop enabling their mental illness.


    ‘Transphobe’ gun tweet prompts Arizona governor’s press secretary to resign

    Katie Hobbs’ Press Secretary Josselyn Berry recently posted a Twitter comment insinuating to advocate gun violence against “transphobes,” just hours after a biological woman who identified as a transgender man shot and killed six people at a Tennessee school.

    Berry, a Democratic activist, and Hobbs’ ex-spokesperson tweeted “Us when we encounter transphobes,” mere hours after Audrey Hale, 28, opened fire at Nashville’s Covenant School, murdering three children and three adults.

    The most recent school shooting is also being thought of as a hate crime targeting Christians since it took place at a notable Christian school.

    Two of the victims were a pastor and his young daughter.

    Twitter employees eventually deleted the offensive tweet from the app for breaking the terms of service.

    An inquiry for comment was not immediately answered by the Office of Governor Hobbs.

    This recent incident will likely perpetuate the belief in some that transgender people and trans activists are inherently violent and are no longer tolerating individuals who don’t consider trans people to be the gender that they identify as.

    While Berry’s departure will probably help “cool the fires” of irate conservatives and those who are wary of being labeled as transphobes, this is still a bad look for Governor Hobbs and her administration.



    Transgenderism remains a mental illness

    Accompanying the horrifying news today that a mass shooting took place at a Christian elementary school near Nashville, TN was the bizarre background information about the alleged assailant. A troubled young woman has been blamed for the killing of three adults and three children, and she identified herself as a transgender person, according to online profiles she left behind.

    Audrey Elizabeth Hale, age 28, had once been a student at Covenant Presbyterian Church’s school, which she returned to yesterday to gun down others. Her motives for slaughtering six innocent people aren’t clear, but it’s obvious to anyone that she suffered from one or more mental illnesses. Whether or not we find out what inner demons drove her to her fatal actions today, we know that her foray into transgenderism should’ve prompted those who knew her to seek competent psychological counseling.

    In a sane society, people do not pretend to magically transform into the other sex (and yes, there are only two categories of reproductive sex for humans), nor do we allow people to dictate their “preferred pronouns.” Sexual identity is set at birth, and barring medical anomalies or a doctor’s faulty vision, that is our actual sex until we die. At least that was the case until recently when the justifiably mentally ill and the radical Left (and those categories often overlap) demanded that we play along with their twisted game of make-believe and agree that men and women can somehow scientifically “transition” to the other sex.

  4. Dear friend,

    I hope you enjoy all that PRETTY WOMEN PICTURES I have sent to your e-mail by the last weeks.

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