UPDATE: Having slept on it, the answer is actually simple. Rather than repeat myself here, just read the new post on top.

Nothing is making sense. It was known beforehand that trying to prosecute Trump would only increase his popularity. Yet they’re doing it anyway, on felony charges that appear to be completely bogus and will fail unless the judge and jury are bought and paid for by the prosecution.

Pretty much everyone with a law degree says that the case against him is so weak that it will be thrown out on appeal if he is actually convicted, and that would make him even more popular. So why are they doing it, unless this whole circus is a plan to make him President again while looking like he’s the Great Man Who Triumphed Over Evil but is now actually part of the Globalists.

This makes no sense either, because the Globalists have gone to such extremes to make as many people hate Trump as possible. They’ve lied about him and vilified him endlessly and still are.

Acting as the Champion of the People during his term as President, he was blocked by everyone in Congress, by both parties. Assuming it would be just a repeat of the last time, why would they set him up to be President again?

The only thing I can see the Uniparty accomplishing by all this legal theater is the increased destruction of our country’s democratic system. Our economy is not harmed by any of this, it’s our freedoms that are being destroyed by an increasingly totalitarian government, and maybe that’s the real point of this prosecution of Trump, to show us that anyone who goes against the flow will suffer for it. To instill fear in us, so that we shut up, duck our heads and silently accept whatever we’re told.

Trump may be convicted of some fake felony, making him ineligible to run for President again, which is the obvious goal of this prosecution, and unable to get the conviction reversed because the courts are stacked against him. That could be. It would certainly put the last nail in America’s freedom coffin.

Or this could all be a play to re-elect him as a Globalist agent and our new Big Brother. These seem to me to be the only two possibilities.

Because what is not possible is that he will ever be President again if they don’t want him to be, and he has to know it, so why even run again? You see why it doesn’t make sense for him to run unless he thinks he can win, and he knows he can’t unless they want him to. Why would they want him to?