The first hurricane to hit California since 1939 is due to land here Monday, Aug. 21, where I live. Looks like around early afternoon for my area if the path projections hold true.

This is a good thing and a bad thing. Good in that the rain will damper down the fire danger, as things are pretty dry around here right now. A bad thing because the amount of rain predicted is undoubtedly going to cause flooding, and flash floods.

Naturally, this weather event is being blamed on “climate change”, caused by human activity, but the reality is that it’s because our weather is oscillating, a subject I covered very recently. The climate is changing, yes. We’re on the cusp of a new Ice Age but it’s not caused by human activity. The reality is that human activity has staved off the approaching ice age by generating a little extra greenhouse gas and keeping the Earth just a bit warmer than it otherwise would be, without us. Now that ends.

Wild, unusual weather is about to become normal. Oscillating weather means there will be temperature extremes, hotter in colder latitudes in summer, colder in warmer ones in winter, until it tips and summer stops coming to the high north and south latitudes and it just stays cold.

The most productive of Earth’s farmland will be too cold to grow crops. so if the Globalists don’t kill most of us off with their machinations, the ice age will. There simply won’t be nearly enough food to feed today’s billions. We’ve already seen cattle herds greatly diminished this year because drought resulted in lack of sufficient feed.

Scientists say that ice ages come on fast, that it takes 30-40 years from onset to full-blown ice age and that we may enter into a period of intense cold in 5 to 15 years. Now would be a good time to buy a nice, warm coat, before the rush starts.


Acronyms are normally just the initials of a company or organization, like NBC for National Broadcasting Corp. or SAC for Strategic Air Command, but sometimes you can create an acronym for something that actually has real meaning, like my little creation here after reading this article about the boycott of the Target store chain.

“Even with the boycott underway, CEO Brian Cornell and Target dismissed customer objections to its war on women.”

Cornell claimed that Target’s “focus on diversity and inclusion and equity has fueled much of our growth over the last nine years.” In reality, it’s lost the company billions of dollars.

D iversity, I nclusion, E quity. DIE. That’s what happens to companies that push this insane “transgender” crap onto children, and it’s a fitting acronym. DIE.

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity is the mantra of the homosexual/bisexual Left, words that sound good but are used to promote the destruction of social norms and the perversion and harm of children.


CNN, the Communist News Network, says: “There’s a new coronavirus variant topping the leaderboard in the United States: EG.5. Nationally, EG.5 is causing about 17% of new Covid-19 cases in the country.”

The other name for it is “influenza” also known as the flu. The flu is a corona virus and it kills a lot of people every year. Ivermectin is the best cure for it. Co Vi D. Co Corona Vi Virus D Disease, 19, the year 2019. Again, it is just the flu. There is no new disease, what they did was perform “gain of function” in a lab to increase it’s infectiousness so it would spread much more rapidly.

Well, it’s Flu Season. That’s the nine months out of the year from July through March. The covid disease Flu is constantly mutating into new strains, so when the MSM screeches dire warnings of a new strain, it’s just the flu coming around again. We get at least 3 different strains of it every year, so you never know how it’s going to hit you or if you’ll catch it at all, but if you do, then Yes, you have Covid, the other name for Flu, so get your doctor to prescribe some Ivermectin pills for you. That’s right, Ivermectin cures the Flu. Most feed stores sell Ivermectin in tubes, for horses. Be sure to read the directions on the box. Disclaimer here, I’m not a doctor and I’m not prescribing. I’m just mentioning that feed stores sell Ivermectin and I’m telling you that China did not create a new disease, it’s an altered Flu bug and not unusually dangerous.

What is unusually dangerous are the MRNA injections that the world was conned into getting.


Okay, enough post title fun. A much younger friend has been pushing me to go fishing and gold panning with her, those being pretty much the only two forms of recreation out here. The river is running hard and fast right now because it’s fed by snow melt from the High Sierras and it’s still melting away in spite of a hot July.

So gold panning isn’t safe in the river and the water is too murky and fast for fishing, which leaves fishing in the lake. The fish hide in the deep shadows once the sun comes up, and you have to get there early. That, and this lake is not heavily populated with fish, which makes catching anything a challenge. But it’s something to do that’s fun and inexpensive.

Yesterday morning we found a quiet spot at one end of the lake where some big bass were feeding on minnows, didn’t catch anything, but at least it’s a promising spot and if we could be out on the lake instead of casting from the shore, we might have better luck. So after I came home I logged on to Amazon and ordered an inflatable boat and a couple life jackets.

They should be here by this coming Wednesday, and by next weekend we will be out fishing on the lake instead of casting from the shore.

I had a small outboard motor boat and trailer but got rid of it because the lake became so low during years of continuous drought that there was no safe place to launch the boat. A new dam was recently built at one end of the lake and now the lake is at record high levels, great for boating, only this time around I have a rowboat that I don’t have to pay all the yearly registration and license fees for. I could have filled my freezer with fish filets for all the money I gave the Taxman because of that boat.


A total of 313 tracts of Gulf of Mexico ocean, spanning 1.6 million acres, THE SIZE OF ITALY, were just auctioned by the Biden Cabal and 32 oil companies collectively bid $310 million for the drilling rights. The amount offered by the federal government was much larger than this, however. What in hell does that mean? The government can buy land and leases, and actually owns a good portion of the USA, so did they outbid everyone? If so, for what purpose?

“The bids will be evaluated by the government in the coming months before leases are issued.” Or they may never be issued. The real question is why would most of the Gulf be offered up to oil companies by the same people who keep saying the Earth is warming up because of fossil fuels and we’re all gonna die?

Could it possibly be because “Global Warming” is bullshit? They don’t call it Global Warming anymore, they call it “Climate Change” even while they blame this “climate change” on a warming Earth. They tell us in horror that Earth has warmed just over 2 degrees Fahrenheit since 1730, that it’s because of human industry and cow farts, and WE MUST stop this warming by 2030 at a temp no higher than 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit or WE’RE ALL GONNA FUCKING DIE!

Each succeeding July for the past 3 years, worldwide, we are told anyway, has been hotter than the one before and each set a new world record for hottest July. I don’t know, this may be true, but wasn’t last winter also a record setter for being cold? Uhh, yeah, it was.

Earth isn’t getting hotter. IT’S GETTING COLDER! Our climate is oscillating. The summers are getting hotter but the winters are getting colder. Our 12,000 years of Warm Period are up, the deep ocean currents are slowing down, and we are entering the next Ice Age cycle. That’s what’s happening.

Like I said before about this being a picture puzzle, you just have to fit the pieces in the right places to see the whole thing. Scientists and governments have known for decades that we are entering an Ice Age cycle.

First, prepare the people for mass deaths with a lockdown-style pandemic and get them all injected with a slow poison, while destroying a large portion of the global food supply and access to the fuels needed to stay warm and survive in winter. Get a war started where everyone expects the use of nuclear weapons, in case a nuclear disaster is needed. Keep that in reserve.

Then start another disease epidemic, a real one this time that’s been thoroughly computer verified to ensure control and limits, and have a genuine vaccine available just in case. Or invent some other disaster that wipes out a huge number of people. The point is that by the time the onset of the Ice Age is really obvious, and that we’re not going to burn, we’re going to freeze, most of the “excess” population of Earth will already be dead.

All the riots and looting now that’s being ignored and allowed? I believe they’re just letting us get used to it, accept it as normal for when the food riots start. Remember people fighting over toilet paper? Once they’re gone there will be no food riots and no need to fight over the tropical and sub-tropical land areas, there will be plenty of room for everyone that’s left and plenty of food and fuel.

Ice Ages don’t freeze the whole planet, the tropics simply cool off some. Last time, the ice reached as far as Texas but not Mexico, for instance, though winter in Mexico was probably not much fun. So if you’re young and raising a family and you want your future generations to survive well, then get out a map and see what land masses lie south of 31 degrees, (our border with Mexico) find a good one and move there.

A Song, for YOU

It isn’t just in the USA and Europe that there’s wars, rioting and looting going on. It’s all over the world. Watching the videos at the link above reminded me of a song by the Kingston Trio way back in 1961. Give it a listen. Those were actually happy times, America was in it’s Golden Age of Prosperity and the world was a paradise of peace and happiness compared to now. And it was a mess then.

The Kingston Trio plays A Merry Little Minuet.


Scammers of old used to try selling people real estate in Florida that was all swampland, miracle medical “cures” that gave you electric shocks, the Brooklyn Bridge, stock shares of oil wells and gold mines that didn’t exist, and so on.

They’ve never given up and they never died out, new generations of these swindlers keep appearing and the latest scam is “Structured Water”. Here’s a line from the sales pitch: Clearing negative memories from water so that they can be structured into beautiful crystal-like shapes via hydrogen bonding that helps ignite your body’s nascent healing potential!

Water has “negative memories” that can be “structured”? Into “beautiful crystal-like shapes”? “Via hydrogen bonding”? Oowow, oowow, where can I get me some?

I do have to say, this pile of bullshit must have really taken some thought to create, to string that bunch of words together like that. It makes me think of other words, like Sucker, Bamboozle, Dupe, Defraud, Hoodwink, Deceive.

There’s a picture on the website of an Afro-haired dude that says he’s “Dr. Henry Ealy”, who apparently is the person telling us all about this magic water on his “Energetic Health Radio” program. I don’t know if he’s actually trying to sell his magic water to the gullible or not, because I never tuned in to his program, but it wouldn’t surprise me because there’s others out there selling it as a health aid. What this is, is the new Snake Oil, the crap that was mixed with some cheap whiskey, bottled up and sold to fools by traveling pitchmen in times past.

Quack medicine and medical devices have been around for centuries because, as P.T. Barnum famously said, there’s a sucker born every minute.


Lately I’ve been reading a lot of reports about flying saucers and other UFO types in the news and the not-so-news, blogs, tweets, stuff like that. A few weeks ago I was reading about a reported UFO crash, there was a comment section, and one comment asked how there could be advanced races if they crash when they get here.

It did make me think that there must be an awful lot of them coming here for as many crashes as there have been. Many of these have gone unreported in the MSM and we only know about them from leaks and local news stories that were quickly covered up by our military and government.

For the record right now, I never really believed in these things until I saw one close up that was bigger than an aircraft carrier. If you think I’m a liar, I really don’t care.

Back to the subject, I forgot about that comment until reading about another crash that happened some years ago, and was struck by a new thought. What if that person had a point and these crashes aren’t all accidents? A few is reasonable, things are going to go wrong sometimes no matter how advanced the technology. But what if some are deliberate?

I know that if I was in charge of sending lots of craft to an alien planet, I wouldn’t want those aliens to be handed our technology. If a craft crashed I’d want it immediately removed from the planet. UNLESS, of course, they were advanced enough to be able to reverse-engineer it and we wanted them to.

Why would we want them to? If they were getting close to uniting in a global government and ending their wars, and one nation or group was our choice to lead the way, our technology would give them the means to do it.

This is just speculation, I enjoy doing it, and I have a pretty good record of being right. That doesn’t mean I am, this time, but if you accept that E.T. has been coming here for thousands of years according to accounts in the Christian Bible and other ancient writings, then you must wonder why. I do.

Now, about the propulsion of a UFO. Gravity is a force, just like magnetism, heat or electricity, and it can be generated and controlled. We just haven’t developed the technology to do so yet, but we know we can do it and we’re working on it. We recently discovered the general frequency bandwidth of gravity waves, a huge advance.

If a craft contains it’s own gravity field and it moves in any direction, everything, every atom, inside the craft moves at the same rate of speed at the same time. You can go from 0 to 1000 mph in an instant and there’s no crushing inertia because everything moves at the same time. Repeat, there is no inertia.

There’s a very high chance that we already have the technology and are guarding this knowledge very carefully. Look how massively we’ve advanced in the past 100 years, then imagine where we’ll be in another hundred, and then tell me why you’re certain that no intelligent race ahead of us by a mere 1000 years or so could exist out of billions of planets in our galaxy or would not be searching the stars for another intelligent race, when we’ve already been hoping to find one with our radio telescopes for decades, ourselves.


Just over a week ago I posted a “Goodbye, Hollywood” prediction that AI was going to put all those actors out of work, and it’s going to happen. Right now all those fools are striking for more money, as if they weren’t already grossly overpaid, and in the middle of their self-imposed unemployment they’re realizing that AI is going to make them all obsolete, and they’re FREAKING OUT. The link above is to a news story today verifying what I said 9 days ago.

It’s hilarious to watch. This massive clique of super-egos, all these self-adoring narcissists, this overweening mutual adoration society, is about to be cast into oblivion and I couldn’t be happier. I’m absolutely burned out on all their whining, their support of the worst in our government, of the child abuse, the “trans” insanity, the whole Liberal hate and destroy agenda, all while expecting us to honor and adore them. Fuck them. The sooner AI sends them to the back pages of the history books, the better.


Some years back, when I was living in Florida and involved in real estate, I drove past a church where a bunch of black people had set up a barbecued chicken sale, to raise money for the church.

It was lunchtime and I was hungry so I stopped and bought a plate of food. Included was a side dish of black beans and rice, with a sweet vinegar sauce on it that was really tasty.

I tried a number of times since to duplicate that taste but could never get it right until yesterday, when I brought home a bag of shredded cabbage and carrots to make coleslaw with. I needed a recipe for the sauce for it and looked on Google to see what ingredients different people use to make theirs with, and decided on the following list to make my own: 1/2 cup each of sugar, apple cider vinegar and mayonnaise, and a tablespoon of prepared yellow mustard. Mix well.

That’s it, I found it. It’s the same sauce that was on those beans and rice, and it’s great on coleslaw.

With all the crazy stuff going on, I just thought it would be good to share something good, for a change.