The Jews were at one time just more Arabs, but they adopted the One God religion and took it further, declaring that they alone were “God’s chosen people” and proceeded to act accordingly. This made them hated by the other Arab tribes and when Mohammad came up with Islam and it’s “Death to Jews”, all the Arabs jumped aboard gleefully. It’s been this way ever since. So basically you can blame the Jews for the popularity and success of Islam.

Personally I blame all Arabs for even existing. They all suck. But to get on with this… This new war is already on two fronts, Israel and Lebanon are at it now with Israel threatening to turn all of Damascus to rubble and a loud cry going up from the surrounding Islamic nations to attack Israel. Soon they will.

Our war hawks are eager to get involved, get munitions orders, get the Military-Industrial Complex all fired up with lots of government appropriations and drive up their stock prices, and we’re already sending aircraft carriers over there.

Israel will not get the kind of military support they’ll need to keep from being overwhelmed by attacks from a half dozen Islamic nations, and in desperation they will finally use their nuclear weapons. Some of them are already calling for them to be used.

This is the future as I see it. When Israel uses nukes on their enemies, Pakistan, at least, will use theirs on Israel. Pakistan has sold their technology to other Arab nations, so has North Korea. China will attack Taiwan, North Korea will attack the South and very likely will nuke Japan………………


  1. BREVITY is the soul of WIT. KEEP IT SHORT. I have no religion and don’t blindly follow dogma as you and the Muslimes do. Yes, the tribes of Israel called themselves “Chosen Ones”. Live with it. Arabs are Semitic people same as Israelis. Crack a book first before accusing others of your own ignorance. I’m not going to read further into your rant, thanks for stopping by, have a nice day.

  2. NOTICE: This comment has been EDITED for personal attacks on Newsbleat. The fanatical screed has been allowed to stay to illustrate exactly why religions are a cancer.

    “The Jews were at one time just more Arabs, but they adopted the One God religion and took it further, declaring that they alone were “God’s chosen people” and proceeded to act accordingly. ”

    Proof please? FYI, it was God who declared Israel to be His chosen people, not themselves. For thousands of years, they’ve paid very dearly for that position, right to this very day. Israelis were never “Arabs”; you might want to do some research on that, instead of listening to stuff the MSM brings forward from their daily toilet. Just a thought. You do realize that Israel was attacked first, (as always), right?

    Why do you suppose a tiny little country the size of New Jersey would want to invite horrendous troubles from their surrounding neighbors? Does that make ANY sense to you, or to any other critically thinking person? Of course not! What would they have to gain? Another holocaust. Do you think that’s what they want, and that’s why they do that? Do you know ANYTHING about Islam? Are you aware a GLOBAL Jihad was declared on you and me, to happen today? Do you know what Jihad is? It’s the murder of all those who do not adhere to the Qu’ran.

    I have friends who were born and raised in Israel, and as far as I know today, are still alive (but I doubt it). I haven’t heard from them in several days. All that tiny little country has ever wanted was to be left alone in peace and quiet. Perhaps you’re not aware…Israel ALWAYS warns civilians on the enemy side of pending attacks, so they can have time to run to safety. Perhaps you’re not aware that Israel is the only nation in the world that nurses their wounded enemies back to health.

    They are propaganda artists / networks, giving only their very biased and inaccurate spin…on all human matters, not just re: Israel. They’re paid by the elite who boldly tell us, “You’ll own nothing, but you’ll be happy. You’ll eat crickets and your own feces and drink your own urine but you’ll be happy. Check out the World Economic Forum and see what they have instore for us. Israel is very small potatoes compared to this evil global agenda, that’s already underway. Check out “Smart Cities” and “15 Minute Cities, and what you’ll have to live in. A good judge has to consider the evidence(s) of both sides before reaching a judgment. I suggest you do the same. You’ll be shocked when you make evil discoveries that are pointed in YOUR direction. Unless you have billions of dollars, you’re toast! Check out the Georgian Guidestones. Are you going to be among the “500 million” who are ALLOWED to live? That means, approx. 7.5 B of us have to go. You and I are in that number. I hope you personally know the God of Israel through His Jewish Son, Jesus Christ. Israel was chosen specifically for His incarnation, to eternally save all those who choose Him as their Savior. See: John 3: 5-7, 16, 17; Acts 4: 12; Acts 16: 31, 32; John 1: 12, and I John 1: 9 for starters. No doubt, you think I’m a religious nut. I’m a very well educated person who has done his homework. At the end of your life’s journey, it doesn’t matter what I believe; it matters what YOU believe, and to whom you entrust your eternal destiny. You will stand alone on that day; no friends to assist or to cheer you on. As for Israel… take a look at her founding as a nation: “Now the LORD had said to Abram, Get you out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you: 2. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing: 3. And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Gen. 12: 1-3

    It was through that little nation called Israel that the Savior of the world came. That’s something to seriously think about.
    Soon, you and I are going to be looking Him face-to-face. I have a good defense for that day, Jesus Christ, the Creator of all things.
    Will He be your defense or your Judge? He leaves the choice up to each and every one of us, declaring that not a single one of us is good enough to get to Heaven on our own merit. (Romans 3: 10, 23; 6: 23; Ephesians 2: 8, 9; Titus 3: 5, 6. He is the only way to Heaven; after all, it’s HIS Heaven that most want to go to when they die. Choose wisely, my friend. Please make sure you’re writing truth and not assisting the devil with lies and deception. To do that is to place yourself in the same eternal camp as the Muslims…Think about that, in light of Revelation 20: 10-15. Again, whether or not you believe what I’m sharing with you, has no bearing on truth. Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14: 6 Truth always wins, and I hope you’ll choose the side of truth. Choose Jesus Christ as your Savior, and live and reign with Him for all eternity. It’s a much better option when compared to the torments of the eternal lake of fire. What you do with what I’ve briefly shared here with you will determine which eternal “resort” you want to go to. God cannot send anybody to Heaven or to Hell; He leaves the choice up to each person. Again, choose wisely.

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