Hamas has declared today to be a World Jihad day and right off, all the Muslimes in France are starting to riot big time in response and the French riot police are out in force trying to deal with it.

Hey, it’s morning here, 8 AM. The day is just getting started and Western Europe is saturated with Muslimes just waiting for the chance to break out and start killing us unbeliever infidels. London has a Muslime mayor, and NO-GO Muslime enclaves within the city, just for starters, who have rioted in the past. I’ll be amazed if the fun doesn’t start with them or hasn’t already and it just hasn’t hit the news yet.

And what about here in the US of A? All those unvetted, unknown people who’ve swarmed in over the past few years? Oh yeah, this may be a long day and the first of many. So glad to be in this little remote township that no one gives a crap about.

One thought on “WELL, OF COURSE THEY ARE”

  1. https://grrrgraphics.com/slapping-private-paul-ryan/


    Cartoon published 10/13/2023

    A meeting of RINOs recently took place in Utah. Former Wisconsin Congressman and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, along with ‘Pierre Delecto’ (alias Senator Mitt Romney), hosted a meeting at which business leaders and donors were urged to unite behind one of the GOP establishment’s picks for the Republican nominee for President. Ryan and Romney are part of a large cast of Republican neocons and RINOs who want anybody but Trump in 2024.

    A well-heeled establishment crowd of 250 deep-pocketed Republican donors attended and they got to listen to the two losers whine about a winner, President Trump. As you may recall, Paul Ryan was Romney’s running mate during his failed presidential campaign in 2012. The former House Speaker now sits on the Fox News Board of Directors. Both Romney and Ryan pride themselves as being ‘never Trumpers.’ For some reason they still think they are loved and relevant and they want to choose a fellow RINO as an alternative to Donald Trump. If Jeb Bush were running again, they’d most likely back him.

    These Uni-Party globalist RINOs don’t seem to realize they are on their way toward extinction. Even though Ryan is retired from politics and Romney will soon join him, they both want to stay relevant—just like Hillary Clinton. For some reason these people, along with Karl Rove, think they control the Republican Party! They seem to think their whining, crying, and blubbering over a Trump reelection will somehow sway voters, but most people see them for what they are: Sniveling cowards who are afraid of the mainstream media.

    They are terrified that them might receive scorn from politically correct Democrats. They don’t want to offend the globalist-minded Deep State Swamp. They would rather be praised by the ‘Washington Post’ than their constituents at home. They seem to be aligned with the “go along to get along” tactic in politics—and that means one thing: Voting with the Democrats. We saw that when traitor Romney voted with the Democrats to impeach Trump. Petty jealousy rules Romney.

    Trump already vaguely resembles General George Patton, and if he really was that famous WWII general, he would be slapping the crap out of both Ryan and Romney and giving those cowardly RINOS what they deserve: A dishonorable discharge.

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