Two news articles this morning, Biden administration invites Chinese and Russians to tour our top secret nuclear test site, and the Pentagon is secretly buying up Russian oil. Oops, well I guess it’s not a secret anymore.

The CIA operates as if it were a separate nation. No one seems to know what it’s budget is or where it’s apparently vast cash resources even come from, it’s not accountable to anyone in government, they do whatever they like, invade countries, assassinate people, bribe national leaders, blow stuff up, no one says a word and probably no one dares to.

Our FBI operates pretty much the same way, along with the Secret Service. Then there’s Blackrock Corporation, which controls $trillions in assets and is globally involved in things I’m better off not knowing about.

You get the picture. There are extremely powerful groups of people running things and it’s just not human nature that they’re all in agreement on how things should be run. That means that there’s constant power plays going on over truly major, massive issues. Who gets to buy the entire wheat production of Canada, for instance? Who decides how and where that wheat is distributed? Whoever does controls whether one country’s people starves while another grows fat.

Why was British Petroleum drilling for oil in our Gulf of Mexico? It was them who cause the massive environmental disaster there? Do we drill in British waters? Invade their estuaries with fishing fleets? No, hell no. So why were they there?

If you want to make a list of this stuff it would be longer than Santa’s. My point isn’t who is doing what to whom, it’s that governments are not actually in control of their nations. Power groups are, power groups tell elected leaders what to do and when to do it. This isn’t hard to see, when elections mean nothing. In Spain, the people are in the streets right now by the hundreds of thousands, protesting a Socialist government coup. Good luck on that, we protested the theft of our election and nothing changed, and they stole it right in front of our eyes and imprisoned the protestors.

It wasn’t politicians that stole our election or the one in Spain. It was most likely the same power group that stole both. So what happens when they keep taking over more and more nations? Global government is what happens.

Except that there’s plainly more than one power group out to achieve this and mutual coexistence is unlikely. See, this is what we all need to watch, not elections. Ignore elections, they no longer matter, they’re just for show. Watch the alignment of nations, the groupings as they form. That’s your crystal ball view into your own future.

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