Never trust Sundays. Or any other day of the week for that matter, but this particular today is a Sunday, with the news full of cries about “Palestinian supporters” raising hell all over the place, demanding that the Jews stop fighting back against them in Gaza.

Millions of non-citizens have added themselves to our population in just this past year, at least 10 million by my non-official count and probably more, and a lot of them have been Muslim “Palestinian supporters”, AKA TERRORISTS.

I bet these people have only just gotten started and the more they get away with, the more power they’ll gain and their disruptive activities will keep increasing. They may be focused on the Jews but the purpose is to spread the influence of Islam because the Jew’s war isn’t over here. The endless Islamic Jihad is.

So I’ll say it again, religion is a curse and a cancer on the human race whether anyone likes hearing that or not. Can you imagine what world history would be like if there had never been religions? All the wars that would never have been fought, all the death, waste, loss and destruction that would never have happened, all the lost resources. How much farther ahead would humanity be right now if religion hadn’t held science back for centuries? CENTURIES! We would be centuries ahead.

One thought on “SUNDAY STRIKES BACK”

  1. religion is a curse and a cancer on the human race


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