This is the email response I sent to an online preacher who rambled on at great length about his belief in a “Rapture”, which is supposed to happen during “Armageddon”, when all the Christians, living and dead in the ground, will float up into the sky to be with Jesus.

Skimmed your rapture article. Have you ever asked yourself why you wholeheartedly believe the impossible is true fact and simultaneously doubt the proven, likely and probable? Did it ever occur to you that accepting supernatural tales as fact is not sane? We put people into mental institutions and treat them for delusions if they say they see and hear things that aren’t there, but not of those things are religious. People who see visions of Mary are OKAY, no problem there. Men who run around the streets carrying crosses and loudly proclaiming that Jesus is their lord, Jesus is king, they’re OKAY, nothing wrong with them.
The same is true with people who swear that if you merely believe Christian dogma, that is all you need to come back to life after you die, and live forever in a paradise, and be “raptured” up into the sky, just float “up, up and away, like a little toy balloon”, like the song. And this isn’t crazy, this is OKAY, because it’s religion.

I was raised as a Christian and the reason I believed in it was because I was told as a child by those I trusted that I would never die if I accepted all they told me as being the truth. So not wanting to die, that’s what I did. Before that, I was told that Santa Claus was real, and I believed that for awhile until it became obvious that it was a lie. The same happened to my beliefs in Christianity. Childhood gullibility should end for all of us but it doesn’t, we have been convinced through fear and we hold on to the fear with one hand and the promise of Heaven with the other.

For me, the need for Truth has always been greater than any fear and I eventually stopped buying into the dogma. Humans are not gods, we don’t come back to life after we’re brutally killed and we don’t float up into the sky like balloons. You can believe anything you like that makes you happy and less afraid. A lot of people do. I prefer knowing. There’s no fear in knowing, instead there’s certainty and that’s immensely stronger than any faith.


Never trust Sundays. Or any other day of the week for that matter, but this particular today is a Sunday, with the news full of cries about “Palestinian supporters” raising hell all over the place, demanding that the Jews stop fighting back against them in Gaza.

Millions of non-citizens have added themselves to our population in just this past year, at least 10 million by my non-official count and probably more, and a lot of them have been Muslim “Palestinian supporters”, AKA TERRORISTS.

I bet these people have only just gotten started and the more they get away with, the more power they’ll gain and their disruptive activities will keep increasing. They may be focused on the Jews but the purpose is to spread the influence of Islam because the Jew’s war isn’t over here. The endless Islamic Jihad is.

So I’ll say it again, religion is a curse and a cancer on the human race whether anyone likes hearing that or not. Can you imagine what world history would be like if there had never been religions? All the wars that would never have been fought, all the death, waste, loss and destruction that would never have happened, all the lost resources. How much farther ahead would humanity be right now if religion hadn’t held science back for centuries? CENTURIES! We would be centuries ahead.


Two news articles this morning, Biden administration invites Chinese and Russians to tour our top secret nuclear test site, and the Pentagon is secretly buying up Russian oil. Oops, well I guess it’s not a secret anymore.

The CIA operates as if it were a separate nation. No one seems to know what it’s budget is or where it’s apparently vast cash resources even come from, it’s not accountable to anyone in government, they do whatever they like, invade countries, assassinate people, bribe national leaders, blow stuff up, no one says a word and probably no one dares to.

Our FBI operates pretty much the same way, along with the Secret Service. Then there’s Blackrock Corporation, which controls $trillions in assets and is globally involved in things I’m better off not knowing about.

You get the picture. There are extremely powerful groups of people running things and it’s just not human nature that they’re all in agreement on how things should be run. That means that there’s constant power plays going on over truly major, massive issues. Who gets to buy the entire wheat production of Canada, for instance? Who decides how and where that wheat is distributed? Whoever does controls whether one country’s people starves while another grows fat.

Why was British Petroleum drilling for oil in our Gulf of Mexico? It was them who cause the massive environmental disaster there? Do we drill in British waters? Invade their estuaries with fishing fleets? No, hell no. So why were they there?

If you want to make a list of this stuff it would be longer than Santa’s. My point isn’t who is doing what to whom, it’s that governments are not actually in control of their nations. Power groups are, power groups tell elected leaders what to do and when to do it. This isn’t hard to see, when elections mean nothing. In Spain, the people are in the streets right now by the hundreds of thousands, protesting a Socialist government coup. Good luck on that, we protested the theft of our election and nothing changed, and they stole it right in front of our eyes and imprisoned the protestors.

It wasn’t politicians that stole our election or the one in Spain. It was most likely the same power group that stole both. So what happens when they keep taking over more and more nations? Global government is what happens.

Except that there’s plainly more than one power group out to achieve this and mutual coexistence is unlikely. See, this is what we all need to watch, not elections. Ignore elections, they no longer matter, they’re just for show. Watch the alignment of nations, the groupings as they form. That’s your crystal ball view into your own future.


Elon Musk’s massive Starship rocket was due to take off on a test flight tomorrow but has been rescheduled for Saturday to replace a vane gizmo. The beast is intended to make one turn about the Earth and then land. I hope it all goes well this time, it will be spectacular to watch, in any case.

Now about POPCORN. To watch spectacles on television, a good bowl of popcorn is a necessity and it has to be butter-flavored, salted popcorn. Nothing else will do.

So I use high quality corn kernels grown specifically for making popcorn, and a very finely powdered, butter-flavored salt. Use a large pot, put in a small handful of the corn, and about 4 tablespoons of fresh cooking oil. I prefer corn oil, it’s the healthiest to use. Don’t use much of that flavored salt, a little goes a long way. Put it on high heat, and shake it when the popping starts. Take it off the heat immediately when the popping stops and IMMEDIATELY pour it out into a bowl, otherwise the hot pot bottom will scorch the popcorn and turn it black.

All set? Great. Now sit back and watch the rocket do it’s thing.



This is Tayyip Recep Erdogan. Saying he’s toad-faced is an insult to toads. This FLAMING ASSHOLE is doing all he can to fire up a world war short of sending in the Turkish army. The way he’s going though, that may be next.

Turkish President Erdogan said today that Israel was a “terror state” committing war crimes and violating international law in Gaza, while repeating his view that Hamas was not a terrorist organization, as he has done repeatedly. Erdogan is a Muslime.

He keeps testing the limits of Turkey’s eligibility to stay in NATO. As long as he just runs his ugly mouth and doesn’t attack anyone, he may be safe, but this guy is a danger to the world, he’s another Benito Musselini, Josep Stalin, Adolf Hitler. Warmongers who caused the deaths of millions and he needs to disappear because he’s made himself dictator of one of the most powerful Muslim states.

Turkey still claims to be a secular state, but everything Erdogan says and does makes a lie of that. It was a secular state, but not anymore.

Turkey rides the geographical border between Europe and the Mideast. It was a secular nation when it joined NATO, before this power-mad jackass came along and succeeded in convincing the Muslim majority to elect him. He then got rid of all the top military officers who opposed him and turned Turkey into a Sunni Muslim state. Now he’s involved in attacking the Kurds who have been trying to establish their own state in S.E. Turkey for decades. Not long ago he was fighting with Greece, trying to take over some of their land, and Greece is also a member of NATO. That forced the other members to make him back off.

He lost a deal to buy US fighter planes because he insisted on buying a Russian radar system that was capable of hacking those planes and feeding info to Russia. His ongoing behavior makes clear that he’s not to be trusted as a NATO member. Instead, he’s a threat to the peace of the entire area and ultimately the world.


Was just glancing over an article called “Why Can’t We Give Up the Notion of the Ideal Body”, with a picture of 5 women together, one trim and healthy looking and the other 4 in various stages of obesity, from bloated with fat rolls to overweight with cellulite, and I have an answer for them.

We can’t give up preferring ideal bodies because women shaped like pigs ready for slaughter are not attractive, they’re not sexy, they’re disgusting to look at and disgusting to even be around. Obese women are selfish, self indulgent and usually very pushy and aggressive. They’re obnoxious and they usually smell bad. That’s why. Healthy, intelligent and attractive women are slim and trim. They may have crappy personalities but even if they do, they’re not hogging all the food and making you wish you could unsee them.

Being overweight is unhealthy. Fat people try to glorify their excessive bulk, but they’re not fooling the rest of us. We’re not the ones with diabetes, intestinal blockages, heart problems, strokes and all the rest that keeps hospital beds full and doctors driving Ferraris.

Anyway, Sci-Fi. Was just thinking randomly about human technological progress while wandering in my garden and looking at the new power poles that were installed in the neighborhood this last summer, and thinking about energy sources, all the research on fusion power and so forth, and it just seems inevitable that those power poles will become obsolete. Maybe soon.

There’s a big push, as we all know, to end the use of fossil fuels and replace them with photovoltaic, solar, wind and geothermal energy, and to this end the development of better and better batteries is moving quickly. The total amount of human industry involved in generating, transmitting and storing energy is massive and the need for more energy keeps growing.

Necessity is the mother of invention. It’s an old saying and a true one. The greater the need for something, the better the chance of filling it, and what we need is a power source that needs little or no fuel, that’s compact and will run a car, home, ship, aircraft, whatever is required for a very long time without needing any attention. No more need for power poles and wires, gasoline, oil wells, rare earth batteries, fuel stations and all the rest of it. Each home, each building with it’s own power source.

We have beams of light that can slice through steel plates, ovens that cook with radio waves, cars that drive themselves, instant global communication between any two people anywhere, we have robots on Mars. We live in an imaginary world of the future that’s actually real. We can make the technological leap and create new power sources.


Wouldn’t it be funny if the Jews, the most oppressed, suppressed, maligned and persecuted people in the world, ended up in charge of everything?

The Rothschild family, which is Jewish, controls assets including Apple, Chase Bank and Google. Apple, alone, is worth over $2 trillion.

Of the 535 members of the US Congress, 37 are Jewish and out of the 100 members of the Senate, 10 are Jewish. 10% of our Senators are Jewish even though Jews are less than 2.5% of our population, and they are all Democrats, aka Globalists.

3 out of 4 top political donors in the USA are Jewish with George Soros, Globalist, as the Number One top donor. Not all Jewish billionaires are Globalists, some are very Right Wing, but those seem to be mostly focused on involvement with the government of Israel rather than the USA.

Wall Street, our stock market, the traders, are mostly Jewish and to stretch it a bit, Rupert Murdoch, notoriously Socialist, yet who calls himself a Republican, has some Jewish ancestry. No, he’s not a Jew, he’s just a Globalist who controls a big portion of the world’s media. But it makes me wonder. Anyway, I’m digressing.

Men and women of Jewish descent have won 22% of all the Nobel prizes ever awarded, even though Jews constitute a mere 0.2% of the population of the world. That’s astounding. That’s 110 times more than all the rest of the world combined, in all fields of science, technology and the arts, by one-fifth of one percent of humanity.

The reason for this incredible phenomenon is the teachings of Judaism and them being forced to survive by their wits for thousands of years, which is why they’re generally clannish and stick to themselves instead of mixing with us goyim. That and their amazing success at pretty much everything and it’s no wonder so many people hate them.

It’s apparent to many, including myself, that it isn’t governments that control the world, it is power blocs, groups of very powerful people, bankers and industrialists, who tell the politicians what to do. They don’t always do it and these power blocs don’t always agree with each other, either. But the Jews, for being such a small part of Earth’s population, probably have more say over what goes on, on our planet, than anyone else.

I don’t know that all Globalists are Jews, only that some are. I do know that they own much of the world. That doesn’t mean they actually control much of it. But the truth is that they are the most successful people on Earth and it’s possible that when all the dust settles, that it’s they who inherit it. This tiny, one-fifth of one percent of the population, as an ethnic group. It’s something to think about.


I think they already made a movie about it called “Escape From New York”. Let’s try it, stuff everyone in there and see how well that works out.

There’s a picture floating around the internet and featured on a few “news” websites that depicts what 8 billion people standing tightly packed in rows side by side would look like compared to the size of New York City, which is huge even though they describe it as a “tiny part” of the Earth’s surface. It is shown that if you packed us all, standing, into a compact mass, all the people of Earth would fit inside the same area as New York City and this is offered as PROOF that it’s a MYTH, that the Earth is not overpopulated.

Of course, if we all lived that way, jammed up against each other with less than a square foot of space each, and didn’t need houses, apartments, freeways, roads, sidewalks, airports, schools, vehicles, factories, power plants, mines, farms, parks, oil fields, refineries, warehouses, malls, and on and on and so forth, why then, YES, that would really solve the OVERPOPULATION PROBLEM.

If all each of us needed was less than one square foot of room to live in, like a turnip, the massive, increasing worldwide pollution, continuing loss of wildlife habitat with it’s increasing animal and plant extinctions, diminishing quality of human life, increasing migration and homelessness and so forth and so on, would not be happening. But it is.

According to Google searches, the MINIMUM amount of land needed per person to live is 2.4 acres. There are 15.77 billion habitable acres of land on Earth and over 8 billion people now, so divide the people into the land and you get LESS THAN 1.97 ACRES per person. What does that tell you?

It tells me that we have run out of places to put people and some of us have to go, and soon. One way is famine, starving to death, and other ways are war and disease. But it’s like a cage with too many rabbits, you can keep taking rabbits out but as long as they keep breeding and you keep feeding them, there will always be a “Too Many Rabbits” problem and the only way to really deal with it, since there’s no room for a larger cage, is to get rid of a lot of the rabbits so that an increase in the rest of them can be prevented and controlled.

The USA population uses an average of 24 acres per person and look at the crowded, homeless-filled mess our cities are in. We’re using TEN TIMES the minimum habitable space each and WE’RE OVERPOPULATED. We’re destroying the country, hell, we HAVE destroyed the country.

No one lives forever and it looks like a whole lot of us are going to live a lot less longer than we’d hoped, but let’s face it, in 100 years it will never have mattered either way because everyone alive today, with few exceptions, will be dead anyway.

The signals are mixed, our government and the heads of big corporations keep talking about new long-term projects as if nothing was ever going to change. At the same time, we also keep hearing about impending horrible plagues and being on the edge of a global war. We already know that we’re not producing enough food to feed us all now and that farms are shutting down because of droughts and other causes while global trade is in a mess and everyone is waving their bombs at each other.

A coordinated global collapse to bring about population reduction and control? I think that’s the plan. Biden is a puppet, why shouldn’t Putin be, too? And Macron and all of them. You can’t tell me that all the richest and most influential people meet at Bohemian Grove to plan out their next Ping-Pong move or that the huge successes of Claus Schwab’s WEF and George Soros don’t matter. I never used to give that Illuminati stuff much credit but I’ve changed my mind.

With a coordinated collapse, civilization stays intact and continues to grow, develop and benefit from a decreasing population, and becomes much more efficient without all those useless, non-contributing, parasitic mouths to keep feeding. Occams Razor, it’s the simplest answer and makes the most sense.


The only thing we can take on trust from any politician is that they always lie. Listening to their words is a foolish waste of time. What a wise person goes by is what results from their collective behavior and sometimes the biggest clues come from the most unexpected sources

Like military recruitment ads, for instance. For quite a while now the government has been running military recruitment ads in the media featuring lots of black and brown people and the LGBTQ crowd, and promoting homosexual men in dresses to high positions. Suddenly, things have changed.

Now the ads are full of white men, no women, no queers, no blacks and browns. There’s only one reason for this, which is that white men are more disciplined, or can be, and a majority of white men is necessary to have a well run army. Of course this is racist but it’s also true. White people are just better at killing more people faster and in war, reality has to take precedence over the political expediencies of diversity. Orientals are pretty good at it too.

At the same time we’re massively increasing our military presence in the Mideast.

So unless something changes, it looks a lot like war in the Middle East and soon. How this relates to the Globalist plan to kill off most of us will have to be revealed as it unfolds because they’re not telling us their plans, only what their goals are. I’ll be watching what happens over there, though, with an eye to this possible future. These aren’t singular events, they’re steps in a plan.


The Christians in China who refuse to attend the state-approved church and meet “underground” privately to pray and worship and so forth are complaining that the CCP is increasing it’s oppression of them. Just them, apparently, since they don’t mention the equal or possibly even worse oppression of all other religions, like Islam, Tibetan Buddhism, the Uyghurs, Falun Gong, any faith, practice or philosophy other than the Chinese Communist Party Line is not tolerated but I never hear any Christians speak up about this when they complain about religious oppression.

It’s always just the Christians that are being oppressed. Which is one more example of why I consider them to be the worst hypocrites of all. Some would accuse Muslims of that, but they not only admit that they lie to and cheat non-Muslims, their Koran states that it’s part of the practice of Islam. When they tell you that Islam is a religion of peace, they know they’re lying to you, but they’re supposed to, to be good Muslims.

“Christians” don’t practice Christianity. They make up the rules as they go, and change them as it suits them. Jesus specifically said to always pray in private, so of course all the “Christians” get together and group pray in public. And so on.

Christianity is good for keeping people in line and controlled, but it has too many weaknesses to stay in control, and America is proof of that. Islam does a better job but is too unrefined, too crude and savage, it split into factions and because it preaches violence and death, they end up killing each other endlessly.

The means of governing humanity probably hasn’t been created yet, but when it is, it’s pretty certain that it won’t be a religion.