Saudi Arabia and OPEC have been divorcing themselves from American interests and creating closer ties with Russia and China lately. This includes aiding China’s effort to replace the Dollar internationally with the Chinese Yuan, or Renmimba. Since the Dollar is the currency that oil has perennially been traded in, replacing it by the largest oil producers with Chinese currency would be a major hit on our economy and our global credit. This is part of the Chinese attack in the battle over global supremacy.

The South American nation of Guyana has massive offshore oil deposits and Venezuela’s dictator Maduro has been preparing to invade Guyana and seize the oil fields. Our military has stepped in to prevent this and protect Guyana from attack, and protect our interests, as Exxon Mobil has been working the oil fields since 2015.

Guyana is on the east coast of South America, at the northern end, with easy shipping access to the Gulf of Mexico and USA’s east coast and a much shorter and safer route. It’s over 6000 miles from Saudi and the OPEC nations to the USA through the Strait of Hormuz with Iran’s constant threats and war developing, and only about 2000 miles from Guyana to the USA ports with no threatening combatants en route unless you count Venezuela.

The world is shifting away from oil as a main power source, but almost every product made now comes from oil and we would still need a lot of it even if we no longer ran our cars on it. Roads will continue being paved with it, fertilizer made from it, military machines and aircraft powered by it, and so on.

Now. With the Middle East oil producers aligning with China, our interest in Israel changes. Before, we held Israel down to keep peace with the M.E. and OPEC. No longer, now we’re protecting Israel while they battle Hamas, making sure they only have to deal with one enemy at a time. Israel has always been seen by the USA as a big chink in the M.E. armor, as a bargaining chip, but their value as a sacrifice ended when the M.E. turned away from the West, and with the Guyana oil now on our side, we no longer need the M.E.

It’s possible that the US saying that they still want a “Two-State Solution” is just diplomacy and not reality. There can be no Palestinian state within Israel and everyone knows it. When it was offered to the Palestinians they refused, because they don’t want a state, they want it all. Meanwhile I think we’ll see Israel continue to conduct their war as they see fit, and if Iran’s Hezbollah in Lebanon do launch a major attack, I expect the US to find ways to intervene.

What we’re watching is the jockeying between the three contenders for the Global Government, and nothing is as it seems.

2 thoughts on “MORE ON THE WAR”

  1. Venezuela’s dictator Maduro has been preparing to invade Guyana and seize the oil fields.

    Here in Brazil, President Lula’s communist government continues to shamelessly support the worst dictatorships and attack liberal democracies.

    He’s paying the price of more hate coming from public opinion and less popular support.

    1. The problem is that you can’t get rid of these people through elections. Once in power, they either cancel the elections, make people afraid to vote against them, or just declare themselves the winner every time and what are you going to do about it? This is how Globalism grows, the more power and wealth it has, the more these corrupt sociopaths want to be a part of it.

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