If you read the slanted and biased “scientific” reports found on Google about the “benefits” of immigration, that is, the benefits of open borders and not vetting any of the millions of people swarming into the country with unknown diseases, criminal histories and harmful intentions, you will come away believing that it’s doing America a lot of good.

We’re told that 75% these homeless, unemployed people find jobs but that they don’t cause wages to go down, well, not much, well, just a little, and that they don’t increase unemployment generally, well, not much, well, just a little, and by working for less, they make goods prices less. So I guess inflation is imaginary?

Nowhere in these reports does it mention what happens to that other 25% that doesn’t get jobs. They say that there’s 40 million immigrants currently in the USA, that is, people who weren’t born here. This is a lie. There were 40 million thirty years ago, many more have come in since and are still coming by the millions and our government is housing them in school auditoriums, vacant warehouses, tent cities, anywhere they can find existing shelter, and still, hundreds of thousands are packed in alleys and on sidewalks in shelters made of old tarps and blankets propped up with sticks and tied with string.

Our government is doing exactly what the E.U. has been doing for years now, importing cheap labor. As the immigrants rise in their jobs and start making more money, more cheap labor is imported. This causes overcrowding and lowers everyone’s quality of life, but it makes the corporations big profits. It also increases tax revenues. More wage earners is more people paying taxes, which pay for more programs that provide more profits.

This is a Ponzi scheme, it will only work until the money stops coming in, and that 25% is the problem. Right now they’re being fed and housed at government expense, but that comes out of the profit, and they’re committing a lot of crimes, robbing stores and people, and that comes out of the profit too by harming the economy. Many businesses have shut down because of this and more are doing so.

Eventually we either have a Soylent Green movie for real, where the streets are jammed with cars that don’t run and people are living in them and the government is nearly bankrupt trying to feed them, or all those extra people have to go.

Ideally, for our government, the useless ones need to be gotten rid of and only the useful ones allowed to stay, and this is the most likely course that they plan to take. Remember, this is all about PROFIT while maintaining CONTROL.

Related to this are the Antifa and BLM sponsored riots. These terrorist organizations are backed and promoted by our government for the purpose of testing average citizen resolve, they wanted to see what we would do to protect our lives and property and hoped for a violent episode to occur. It did when Antifa held a riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin and attacked Kyle Rittenhouse, 17 years old and armed with a rifle while helping to protect the business of a relative.

They tried to kill Kyle and he was able to shoot 3 of them, killing 2, in self defense. Our government tried him for murder at the end of 2021 but the jury found him Not Guilty and public support for him became so great that government backed off from Antifa and BLM and started prosecuting them to make them shut down. Which they now have, as they’ve served their purpose.

What was learned was that people are afraid to protect their property because they don’t want to be sent to prison for it, because government is on the side of the rioters, but that they will if the threat is great enough. The riots were an exercise in power through intimidation and fear, a test of the real resolve of American gun owners. The riots were to see how far these mobs could go without any police interference before the victims of the mobs started fighting back. This tells the government police what to expect if they want to invade a neighborhood.

The conclusion I take from this is that they know they can do limited mob police assaults now to take away excess people and the most violent from neighborhoods. Other than that, spreading a new disease is probably the best way to trim the excess population of areas, especially now that everyone is afraid of vaccines, which was assured by the massive reporting of all the people harmed and who Died Suddenly from the Covid Vaccine.

I can’t think of a better way to spread a disease than to get it started among people living on the city sidewalks. The government will NEVER allow control of the population to be lost and will do whatever is necessary to maintain it and the massive immigration is just part of the overall plan to eliminate the Middle Class and return us to a feudal state of the poor and the elite.



    Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) stunned supporters on the left with a pronouncement made in an interview with NBC News published Friday that “I’m not a progressive.”
    Since being treated (apparently successfully) for clinical depression earlier this year following last year’s debilitating stroke, Fetterman has emerged as an articulate, moderate Democrat on issues like securing the border, supporting Israel in its war with Hamas and calling on corrupt Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez (NJ) to resign.“I’m not a progressive,” Fetterman told NBC News. “I just think I’m a Democrat that is very committed to choice and other things. But with Israel, I’m going to be on the right side of that. And immigration is something near and dear to me, and I think we do have to effectively address it as well.” Fetterman insisted he can be pro-immigration while also favoring policies to restrict the flow of migration to manageable levels, disagreeing with…

    1. Yeah boy, what a change from the mumbling, inarticulate guy of a year ago. He seems pretty well recovered now.

  2. Joe Biden was not picked to be our puppet President because of any leadership qualities. He was chosen because hes an inept, corrupt thug. He was chosen to make America look bad, to destroy our image as a great country. This was deliberate. Remember, it was Obama who said “Leave it to Joe, he’ll fuck everything up”.

    The National Christmas Tree would not have fallen down if they didn’t want it to because Wash. DC always gets windy this time of year. It was left poorly secured so that it would fall down and be yet one more American embarrassment. It may also have been done as a symbolic warning that this is our last Free American Christmas.

    Much attention has been given to the women and children coming in illegally, but none to the other long lines of only men. They aren’t families escaping poverty. Why are all these single, military-age men coming here, and more importantly, why are we letting them in?



    For the first time in our country’s history, the National Christmas Tree fell to the ground due to strong winds. It is symbolic of Biden’s residency in the White House. Joes poll number have fallen and they keep falling…and they can’t get up. Everything has been collapsing under Joe’s watch. Let’s see how he manages to blame it all on Trump.

    Yet the question remains. Was the tree set up near a set of stairs?

    We have a National Christmas Tree and a national disgrace named Joe Biden. Both have fallen—Joe has fallen repeatedly.

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