Why do the EU and the West keep encouraging migration? The only reason that the Right gives us is that the Globalists do this to destroy civilization. I’ve never been able to fully buy into that, because these same Globalists are the billionaires that own the Mega-businesses. Like Amazon, for instance. They don’t want to wreck what they built.

You don’t see the East wanting any migration, they’re the opposite, they don’t let anyone in. It’s the East that many of the migrants are coming from, they want to get the hell out and go to the West.

The USA and much of Europe has opened their doors to African, South and Central America and the Middle East because by harboring large numbers of people from these nations, a friendship, a kinship is formed. For example, at the end of the Korean War, we took in hundreds of thousands of South Koreans and any North Koreans who could escape, and today South Korea is a close ally and an important one. The same is true for Vietnam. In spite of our brutality there, when it ended we accepted a lot of Vietnamese into our country and we are on excellent terms now with Vietnam.

By welcoming in these people, our Globalist Cabal government is forming bonds with their home countries, they’re bringing these nations into the fold and increasing the size and strength of our Cabal against the China-Russia Cabal. As a citizen anywhere, which countries do you feel warm toward, the ones that don’t want you there or the ones that welcome you in?

Yes. Our Cabal. Whether you like it or not, you, or else your children, will soon have strong patriotism for our Cabal, more than for whatever nation you live in, because it’s going to be our Cabal against their Cabal and only one can win out and rule the planet.

Our Cabal still plans on reducing the population and is busy doing so right now, but at the same time, the plan to establish good relations with as many unaligned nations as possible NOW is in full motion. This is why so many migrants are being encouraged right now to enter the USA, but there’s a time limit on this. China is working hard to buy these people’s loyalty with money but this will only work for them as long as the money keeps coming, and they want them to stay where they are. We do the same thing only we ALSO give them a home and that makes all the difference.

As much as the migration is changing global society and destroying ethnic and area traditions as a big part of its purpose, the primary purpose is to unify the continents of North and South America, Australia, Africa and as much of Western Europe as possible and as quickly as possible along with every Eastern nation that can be brought in.

This means a lot more migration is coming, so get ready for it.


I was listening to him this evening, and he’s right on. He seems like a prophet but there’s nothing mystical about the man, he just learned where the best information is and how to get hold of it. He repeatedly tells us that the people who are really in power in the world get together and plan out the next few years, and they write reports on it. He finds and reads these reports and comes to obvious conclusions. In most cases, the reports actually state in detail what they hope to accomplish.

For instance, the Hamas assault on Israel. That one was so obvious a blind mule could see that it was allowed to happen. It was known it was coming and the slaughter was allowed to commence, in order to achieve a number of goals:

A few weeks before the Hamas attack, the so-called “Biden administration”, actually the Globalist Cabal in Charge, gave Iran $6 billion. Then Israel turns a blind eye and allows Iran’s proxies to invade, slaughter and burn. This unites a fractured and fractious government with a divided people to wage full-on war with Iran’s various proxies in Israel, Lebanon and Yemen and give the USA an excuse to bring in their military forces.

The next step is war directly with Iran. When this starts, all Iran’s sleeper soldiers who have been coming in over our border with Mexico will start carrying out terrorist acts and causing havoc here. That will allow the Cabal to clamp down on more of our rights “in the fight against terrorism”, the same way they did with the Patriot Act and Covid terrorism, and as is happening now to the people of Israel.

The war with Iran consolidates the OPEC nations behind the USA and the West, who are protecting their shipping from attack by Iran and Iran’s proxies, thus firming up some national boundaries for Globalism.

This is the plan.

It’s purpose is to keep restricting our rights, increase control over us, disrupt unity of purpose among us, and keep us off-guard, compliant and afraid.

The latest RSV “vaccinations” are tied to a sudden spike in baby deaths. They openly plan to add “vax” chemicals to our food, the birth rate is dropping world wide and will hugely increase, farming is steadily being shut down to make food scarcer, they want to outlaw all fossil fuel use, private car ownership, single family homes, beef production, the list keeps growing.

It is GOVERNMENT that’s behind this “trans” insanity and the purpose is to mutilate the children’s sex organs before they can grow up and procreate. Hospitals are paid to push this, there’s big profits in it so the doctors are happy to go along with it. They call mutilating children “Gender Affirming Care”. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Reduce the population to make it easier to control, keep everyone poor, dependent on government and afraid, control their incomes, their food supply, their access to medicines and health care, their ability to travel anywhere. Control everything. Enslave the world. People are property.

This is our Brave New World, take a good look at it. It’s real.