Headline: “Experts already developing vaccine for Disease X as it could kill 50 million people”.

Will someone please explain to me how a vaccine can be developed for a non-existent disease?

Vaccines are made by taking dead or fatally damaged virus cells that have been rendered harmless and injecting them into people, where the body then attacks those cells and creates antibodies to them. Then if a vaccinated person is exposed to that particular virus, the body is already equipped to defend itself from it. The stuff they pumped into 75% of humanity was not a vaccine, it was a chemical formula.

What this is REALLY about is either they’re trying to scare the hell out of us as usual, with a totally impossible story, OR, our and other governments are developing vaccines for mutations and variants they created of really nasty diseases that they’ve infected monkeys with, in case they or someone else “accidentally” releases it like China supposedly did in 2019. It was actually just the Flu.

The answer is probably BOTH, to keep us afraid now while they decide which pandemic disease they’re going to throw at us next, because this next one won’t just be the Flu, it will be really bad and probably piggy-backed on the Flu season so everyone who gets a runny nose will panic and think they have The Big One.