Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that “you can’t use a gun for self-protection in Canada. It’s not a right that you have..” and in Quebec, Canada, the citizens are now told that if they post videos online of porch thieves stealing their packages, they could be “violating the thieves right to privacy”. Admittedly, Quebec is weird, tiny and French Only but this is right-on stuff for Canada.

My father was born in Canada and his parents emigrated there from England while Canada was still part of the British Empire and I nearly emigrated to Canada about 50 years ago. It was realizing how cold their winters are that stopped me and I’m glad now that I never did it. Canada is way ahead of the United States in becoming a total dictatorship.

As a Canadian citizen I’d be in prison there for the things I say on this blog. You can’t speak out about the “trans” insanity, you’ll be imprisoned. You have to be very careful of what you say about the government and Fidel Castro’s son Justin Trudeau and you damn well better not be an activist or demonstrate against anything unless the government approves of it.

Canada is leading the way. If you would like to know what life under a world-wide Globalist government will be like, just keep watching Canada for the next few years as they tighten their control over the people.


The US Army recruiters are really whining, recruitment of WHITE men has dropped to almost half of what it was 5 years ago. What the hell did they expect? They allowed open homosexuals into our military services, women in command of ships, queers on ships and in barracks, they even pay for these fucknuts to get surgery to make them look more like women, and then expect straight guys to want to be part of this? This isn’t news, it’s been going on for a long time now, so why is this a big deal now on Just now waking up?

One hellacious blaster of a rain and wind storm hammered through here tonight. It seems to have passed, it’s 5:30 A.M. and still very dark outside, the storm woke me hours ago, no way to sleep through all that noise. The power went out for awhile, I know because all the clocks need to be reset.

Each day I check some news aggregators to see if anything important is happening in the world and you would think so, looking at the various headlines about all the politics. But it’s all just noise and means nothing. Politics means nothing. It used to, before the UniParty. Not anymore. Now it’s all just planned pap for public consumption, to keep us sheep fooled while they shear us.

They’re going apeshit in the streets of Ecuador right now over the drug cabal effort to take over the country and the bored citizens are happily joining in, setting cars on fire and shooting each other for no reason whatever except it’s something to do. No news here, people do this crap all the time and Ecuador is top of the Unimportant Country list.

The problem is that nearly everything major happening in the world right now is all just part of the plan, so it’s not news. War in Israel? Planned. News at first, but not now, not unless someone sets off a nuke or the USA starts attacking Iran.

Here’s a bit of news. All that oil under the ground? Most of it was formed by planetary processes, not rotting dinosaurs and ancient forests. It’s not “fossil fuel” after all. What is, is the coal. Happy Thursday to you.