A few days ago the Supreme Court said Federal authorities have the right to tear down barricades that Texas installs on it’s border with Mexico to stop the entry of illegal aliens but the Texas state Governor Greg Abbot has refused to allow it, and he’s right. This is in fact an invasion he’s sworn by law to prevent, and an attack on all the state’s Constitutional rights.

He has stationed hundreds of Texas National Guard troops at the crossing area and blocked entry of the federal agents. In response to this, 10 more state governors have sent their National Guard troops and/or police to Texas to reinforce Governor Abbots troops. Additionally, another 15 states have voiced support.

So here’s the thing: our government is not going to just turn around and walk away from this confrontation. Our Globalist government is no longer a fair and democratic one, it’s an autocratic and oppressive one, and can be reasonably expected to retaliate with force.

Chances are good that the federal agents will fire the first shots. They will then be shot at, and people on both sides will be killed. If this happens and then escalates, states on both sides of the illegal alien invasion issue may join in more actively, not just by sending in troops but with armed citizens joining the fight.

The government may have already ordered an invasion by the Army, Air Force and Marines by then. If not, they will, and with overwhelming force.

Possibly our government will send in troops to arrest the state governors and take over the state governments. This may become very violent with widespread destruction, like our first civil war, or it may end with little loss of life at all.

There can be only one outcome and that’s the takeover of all those states that sided with our Constitution and democracy, by the Globalist government.

I’ve been wondering just how they planned to quell states like Texas, Idaho and Florida, that are against the Globalist takeover and this may be the way. It certainly would do the job.

Right now this is just speculation on my part but we will soon see if it’s more than that.

One more thought on this. If it does happen, that will be the end of any chance for Trump to be President again.


Fans of Taylor Swift are all going apeshit over a bunch of A I-created nude and pornographic images of her that have been appearing on X and other sites, as if this were the end of the world.

Some of the more hysterical fans are predicting that AI-generated images will destroy civilization.

Yeah, well, I said a while back that AI imaging was going to replace Hollywood actors. Anyone remember the movie Max Headroom, where a computer created a character that became a TV star? That was prophetic, because it won’t be long before it won’t just be cartoons, it will be very live, human-looking AI-created actors making AI-created movies with AI-created scripts. No real people involved.

As for AI pornography, it’s unavoidable and it’s going to be everywhere. Politicians will see themselves doing horrible things in AI-created political attacks, courts will be flooded with fake AI-created evidence, and the only way to sort all this stuff out will be to have AI itself decide which is real and which is generated.

Artificial intelligence is taking over the world, it’s doing it right now as I type this. Fake Taylor Swift porn is merely a sign of our imminent future. Do you think our FBI, CIA, our military, the governments of the world, Google, Amazon, Elon Musk et al are not deeply involved in the massive potential uses of A I?

You ain’t seen NOTHING yet.


Iran is now within a month or so of having enough processed uranium to build at least one and possibly up to four atomic bombs, that is if they haven’t already built at least one. No one is completely sure about this.

In their religion, they believe in something called the Missing Imam, who supposedly disappeared centuries ago, and their prophecy is that the return of this imam will usher in a Global Caliphate, worldwide Islamic rule.

In order for the imam to reappear, the prophecy says that huge numbers of people must die very quickly, and atomic bombs can make that happen. This is why they want them, not as a deterrent to others but to use to fulfill their prophecy and bring about the Global Caliphate.

These are the same people as Hamas and Hezbollah, they’re all Iran, they have no conscience, they only want to kill people and don’t care who. This is why the Middle East is so unstable. Because of this insane prophecy.