Remember when earlier this year and the year before, both, we were told that there were going to be massive food shortages? Where are they? Prices have gone up on food, yes, and chickens and eggs most of all because they’ve been burning down the chicken farms where they couldn’t infect the birds with Bird Flu, but all that’s done is drive up the prices. There’s still plenty of chicken and eggs in every grocery store.

What’s mostly driven up prices on everything, too, is all the money printing. When you dump another $8 Trillion or so into the economy, you cheapen the value of the dollar, and of course everyone raises prices to compensate. That’s inflation.

But the shortages and starvation and blah blah that we’ve been told was coming, never came, and it’s sure not because anyone in our government did anything right. What the hell was the purpose of telling us all that stuff when it was all bullshit and did nothing?

That looks like disorganization to me. Like there’s a lot of quiet infighting going on right now for positions of power and they’re too busy to coordinate their plans. The 20 “Republican” Uniparty members who refused to vote for that Far Left piece of shit McCarthy for House Speaker, for instance. The media played that as them being patriotic Americans and proof that we still have democracy, and if you buy that I have a bridge to sell you because it looks a lot more like they were making it clear that they have power as a group.

This is just an observation on my part and I’ll leave it at that, as something I thought worth noting.


  1. Biden’s daughter’s diary was stolen from her home, and in it she wrote about
    “inappropriate showers with her dad (Joe Biden) till the age of 10.”


    Cartoon published 01/18/2023

    Joe Biden, the starting pitcher for the Democrats, needs to step down from the mound.

    He’s well-known for his screwballs, but he just keeps getting wilder. The bumbling serial liar has been giving up way too many runs to the Republicans. It’s no wonder the Democrat manager (Barack Obama?) wants him replaced. The question is, once Kamala Harris steps up to the presidency, who will be her VP? Hillary? Michelle Obama? Pelosi’s nephew Gavin ‘Hairdo’ Newsom?

    Joe’s latest toss was a spit-ballin’ blooper. It occurred when he attempted to discourage those on the right who complain about tyranny and big government. He said they can do little to stop it unless they get their own F-15s. His bullying statement negates the power Joe and the Democrats had earlier assigned to the January 6 protestors.

    Apparently those parading in the Capitol Dome did not have the power to subvert ‘democracy’ after all.

    Joe’s bragging about omnipotent government and the powerlessness of those who want to water the Tree of Liberty is hardly the language of someone who, upon taking office, had promised to unify and ‘heal the nation’s soul.’ Joe’s own soul was sold for a $50,000 rent check. Joe turned out to be a heel, not healer.

    The Democrats have seen enough. Joe is a serial liar who is rapidly losing credibility as well as his mental acuity. It’s time for Joe to hit the showers.

    There is no joy in Swampville—the mighty Biden cannot strike anyone out.

    — Ben Garrison


    Penn State University Professor Grooms Students to Watch Porn

    ‘If you’re straight, watch gay or lesbian porn and see how quickly you feel aroused…’

    tudents to Watch Porn
    Date: January 15, 2023
    Author: Nwo Report
    ‘If you’re straight, watch gay or lesbian porn and see how quickly you feel aroused…’

    Posted BY: Kara | NwoReport

    (Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) A sociology professor at Penn State University decided to groom his normal — straight — students during one of his classes to watch homosexual porn so that they would “realize” that they are sexual deviants.

    At the end of the fall semester, Penn State sociology professor Sam Richards challenged his students during one of his Sociology 119 courses to watch same-sex pornography and confront the fact that they might like it, according to the Daily Wire.

    Richards also projected his thoughts that every person has bisexual feelings and that each person might be comfortable with being a sexual deviant.

    “If you’re straight, watch gay or lesbian porn and see how quickly you feel aroused. And how you can’t control that. You’ll realize that ‘Oh, d***, I could be sexualized by people who are like me,’” he said during the Dec. 6 lecture.

    “We are all at some level nonbinary. We’re all, very much, easily bisexual.”

    “I might have hit a nerve there. Did I hit a nerve?” Richards added when the class decided it was too shocked to even respond. The awkward silence didn’t stop Richards and he doubled down by pointing out his straight male students.


    “I Don’t Know What’s In the Documents” – Biden Says He Was “Surprised” to Learn Classified Materials Were Stored at Penn Biden Center (VIDEO)

    Joe Biden on Tuesday delivered remarks with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Mexico City.

    Biden addressed the classified documents stored at his private office.

    Top secret intelligence documents related to Ukraine, UK, and Iran were found in Joe Biden’s private office, according to CNN.

    Joe Biden stored top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” (SCIF) designation at Penn Biden Center in DC.


    Biden just put Obama in a delightfully serious bind

    The headline is delicious: Vice President Biden left the White House taking classified documents with him. However, what’s really lovely is the problem this creates for Obama: After all, he’s the only one who can rescue Biden but, by doing so, he will completely exonerate Trump of the charges that the latter violated national security laws by taking documents with him when he left the White House.

    Both Rajan Laad and Howard J. Warner have ably covered the factual issues surrounding the news that Biden took classified documents with him when he left the Vice President’s office. They addressed how the Washington establishment had the story before the midterms but covered it up; how that same establishment (including the media) that castigated Trump as a traitor and arch-criminal for allegedly having classified material in his possession is now racing to make excuses for Biden; and how it’s possible that China had access to the materials because it has access to the University of Pennsylvania Biden “think tank” in which the documents resided for so many years.

    What I find so delectable is that Biden has only one defense to the charge that he stole classified documents from the White House, which is a felony (as Democrats never failed to remind us when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago). That defense is that Obama, who was president when Biden took the documents, gave him permission to take them, effectively declassifying them.

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