Not all the judges, courts, congressmen and state governors have gone over to the Globalist/Communist/Far Left or whatever you want to call it, side. They’re still fighting each other for control, of a city, a state, a political balance, wherever there’s power to taken, held and lost or won, and everyone with power or the ability to grab some is in the middle of the fray.

Some things seem to be decided. Certainly the desire to steal the 2020 election from Pres. Trump was just about unanimous. Pretty much everyone who was able to, jumped in on that one. That doesn’t mean they’re all in agreement on everything else, though. They’re not.

It’s come clear now that even the FBI is partitioned into separate power blocs as at least one group in the FBI has come out strongly against the raid on Pres. Trumps home. So has the previous and now retired director. Various judges and Congressmen have as well, in both parties. And I do still consider them to be a Uni-party, so don’t get confused here. Just because they pretend otherwise doesn’t mean that I do.

While a lot of judges have gone Left, there are still many in power who insist on obedience to the laws as written, and who have been denying a lot of efforts by the Biden crowd to pass bills that conflict with those laws and denying some of the presidential decrees as well.

The struggle against communism and globalism is being fought now in our courts instead of on the streets and it looks from here that the balance is steadily tilting in favor of communism and globalism. That’s because I see a lot of little battles being won for democracy but all the big ones are being lost.

The Mid-Term Elections coming up soon this year look to be the last chance of turning any of this around again and I’m not expecting a positive outlook for the forces of democracy.


I haven’t been out for a walk in quite a while because it gets so hot here in summer, but the mornings are getting cooler so after watering the garden this morning I went for a walk of maybe 4 city blocks in length. Nothing major, just to get a little exercise for my legs and enjoy the cool morning air.

There were no black people to avoid, being the ones most likely to attack for no reason, in fact I didn’t cross paths with anyone at all. A few people, well apart from each other, were also walking along but several blocks ahead of me.

It was the same on the return trip, no one was around to be threatening, of any color. That didn’t stop me from carrying pepper spray in case of a loose and aggressive dog, or a pistol in case of a loose and aggressive human, of course. I mean, better safe than sorry, right?

My reason for writing about something that seems so boring is that most people can’t do what I did this morning, which is take a walk in safety on a city street. I did take a gun just in case, but I always do that simply because I’m too old now to put up a good fight without one and you never know when some jackass is seeking an easy victim.

In fact, I have a neighbor like that who thought I was going to be his easy victim until I stuck a shotgun in his face. He’s left me alone ever since, but that’s a story for another time.

Being able to walk safely on the streets of our towns and cities used to be a right. Now it’s rapidly becoming a privilege and I urge all Americans to carry a gun when out and about. The only way we’re going to keep the right to be safe is to enforce that right.


Roy533 was slipping in his job performance and he knew it. It was his age, of course, at 84 it was becoming harder and harder to stay focused on the fine points of personal evaluations and he needed to at least stay on a par with the Global AI. That was steadily becoming more difficult itself though, as AI kept learning and becoming more intelligent and sensitive to the finer nuances of human behavior and their meanings.

In truth, his job was redundant and had been for at least the past year. Clearly, AI had advanced more than enough to make the decisions government required, and no longer needed any guidance from him or the other Roys. Roy533 knew that it wouldn’t be long before his Social Credit status would shift from Required Worker to Retired Worker and he would be given a Retirement Period of perhaps as much as a year before all life supporting systems were shut off for him and he would be issued an End Life pill along with all the other Roys that had been bred for this specific purpose.

But that’s Progress and Roy533 knew it, knew this was inevitable and accepted the fact. After all, all Roys were told when they started that this day would come and that it would be a great achievement for Humankind and a victory for all Roys. Which is why they all worked so hard to achieve it.

When the last Roy was gone, that day would herald the full transference of all human governance to Global AI, and Roy533 felt an immense satisfaction knowing he would be able to watch the world celebration of this event before he had to take his End Life pill. He couldn’t imagine a better way to cease living than knowing he helped bring about Humankind’s total independence from being responsible for itself.

Copyright 8 – 24 – 2022 Newsbleat/Black Sheep (pseudonym) All rights reserved. No copying or reprinting without written permission.


A Wisconsin school board approved a sexual education curriculum which instructs educators to refer to females as a “person with a vulva”.

Then are they calling males “persons with penises”? If not, why not? If you’re going to be stupid, be stupid all the way, don’t fuck around about it, be absolutely stupid. Moronic, idiotic, imbecilic.

In fact lets just get right down to it and get rid of the “with” for the unnecessary and extraneous word that it is and say it like it is: Cock people and cunt people.

What in the fuck is wrong with the people of Wisconsin? Bad water? Eating too much cheese? Person with a vulva………………………. Jesus Christ.


The Guidestones is a monument erected in 1980 in a remote farm pasture in Georgia. From an article here. The stones were recently vandalized with an explosion that caused so much damage that they were torn down, but not before becoming locally famous and well documented.

There are 10 “guides” (commandments) carved into each vertical face of the monument.  Each face translates the guides into another language, ranging from English to Hindi (modern languages).

The capstone also contains inscriptions in classical Greek, Sanskrit, Babylonian Cuneiform, and Egyptian Hieroglyphics (ancient languages).    R.C. Christian ensured accurate translations for these ancient languages by reportedly consulting with subject matter experts at the United Nations.

The 10 Guides are on these stones in 8 languages including English in a parody of the Ten Commandments of Christianity and are the foundation and doctrine of Globalism as being put into practice all over the world today.

So what exactly are the 10 guides?  In word-for-word order, here they are:

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

A point of interest that no one else seems to be taking notice of is that this monument was erected 42 years ago. In other words, Globalists announced their presence and intentions over 4 decades ago, and did it quietly in a place where no one would see them do it or understand what it meant until it was too late to prevent it.

In the decades since this monument was erected it’s become apparent that the Globalist view of separate nations really means that they all have the same type of government as a central government that rules them. In other words all nations are to become vassal states, more like provinces of a city under one mayor. In fact, nationalism must end if we’re to end wars and operate this planet as one people instead of fighting over resources and stripping the planet bare.


I keep waiting for China to attack Taiwan. I’ve been waiting for at least 20 years. They scream and shout and shoot missiles into the ocean and make threats and nothing happens.

I’m still waiting since Putin invaded Ukraine for Ukraine to launch some sort of devastating attack or for Russia to have some sort of big victory. It’s been a year now. Still waiting.

I’ve been waiting since 1953 when they had us hiding under our desks at school so we supposedly wouldn’t be hurt when an atomic bomb went off and blew in all the glass windows next to us at supersonic speed, as if the desks would actually protect us. It’s 69 years later and I’m still waiting for a nuclear war.

Meanwhile I see major corporations sinking $billions into long term projects. Why would they do that if a nuclear war was likely, or a war with China, or a war with Russia? THEY WOULDN’T, and that makes me think that this waiting game is a pile of pure bullshit to keep us afraid and obedient.

The “great food shortage” is an artificial crisis. The jacked up fuel prices is another. So is the “pandemic”. These are practice runs designed to “reset” the attitudes of the populace and distract us with the problems and worry they create while our government sets about it’s real business, which is increasing its surveillance and control over us, getting us used to taking orders, to submitting.

This is why so many Muslims were welcomed in. Islam, the word, means “submission” in Arabic.


Today an email came in from my lawyers office informing me that a Writ of Execution has been sent to the Sheriff to lock out Caga Taco (which basically means Shit Sandwich), which is what I call the scum licking Mexican POS that I’d rented a house to and who is now about $5000 behind on the rent, plus it cost me over $4000 in legal fees to evict this asshole.

What the Writ does, is give the Sheriff their fee to send the asshole a Notice To Vacate in Five Days. Once he gets that notice, he must be out in 5 days or be locked out by the sheriff and anything left inside belongs to me.

This has been a long time coming and the final day still hasn’t arrived, of course, but it’s the last step in an almost endless string of legal hurdles you have to go through in this fucking Libtard state to kick out the jerks who won’t pay their rent. This process started back in November of 2021.

When I lived in Florida and a tenant was only 3 days overdue with the rent, it only took one hour at the courthouse and a $15 fee to get the person evicted. Here it takes a minimum of six months and at least $4000 in legal costs, plus 6 months of lost rent money. That’s if you’re lucky. This has taken 10 months and isn’t over yet. California is the very worst state out of the 50 of them when it comes to evictions. The Tenant is given all the protection while the Landlord is given none, and this is why I’M SELLING THAT FUCKING HOUSE once I get it fixed back up again, and never renting again.

It’s no wonder rentals are so hard to find in California, you have to be crazy to rent out a home here once you find out what the laws are and how badly you can be fucked by doing it.


People don’t rise up against their governments. They used to, when the leaders became too despotic and oppressive, but those were the days of kings and emperors. Once all the kings had been pushed aside and either killed or reduced to ceremonial roles, politicians rose to power and changed the world.

Most politicians are lawyers, students of the laws of their nations, and to keep the people from rising up against their rule, they banished many of the king’s laws and proclaimed new ones that the people favored, and declared that their nations were now Democracies, or at least Democratic Republics.

The right to vote was given to the people, to participate in governing them. Not everyone got to vote necessarily, often the voting privilege was only for the rich, but just the fact that voting was instituted counted for a lot. Kings never allowed it at all.

Because of this general democratic movement, nations found agreement with each other and formed alliances that would not have been possible otherwise, and today the world of nations is almost completely aligned. Unfortunately they are aligned on two sides, neither of which wants to be governed by the other.

The desire to be King never left humanity in spite of the growth of democracy, and the democratic governments became steadily more oppressive and controlling until governments as a group have left the democratic concepts of freedom behind and become once again much like the individual kings of old.

This has happened almost entirely because we’re a selfish and lazy race of beings. We assume that the people who want to be elected to lead us are qualified to do so or they wouldn’t want to, so we vote for them, when the truth is that they all want to be kings over us. The only people who seek power are those who want power, and the only ones who should have it are those who don’t want it.

The rest of us, who don’t seek power, allow ourselves to be led by those who do, so we have no one to blame but ourselves when we are led to the slaughter like sheep.

Some of us, like me, don’t want anything to do with any of it. Don’t want to lead, don’t want to follow. Just want to live through our years without being forced into line and told what to do. I tried voting a few times and ended up being revolted and disgusted by the realization that the persons I voted for were terrible people, and it didn’t matter if I’d voted for the others instead because they were just as bad or worse.

Now the time has come when it doesn’t matter if we vote at all. The pretense is all but over with and the truth is that the selected persons will be given the positions regardless of who the people prefer. We all know now that this is so yet most of us will still go on, casting our ballots like pissing into the wind. All we do is foul ourselves with illusion.