Short blurt on a news site about a 50 year old radio show announcer dropping dead in the middle of his show from a heart attack. Add that story to the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, now millions of people dropping dead from cardiac arrest long before their time, who were thought to be healthy. What do the deaths all have in common? The Vaxx Shot, of course, AKA the Clot Shot.

80% of Americans have now had at least one shot of that shit, proving to me how very stupid the average American really is. Mothers are still taking their babies in to be injected with poison and then watching them die and wondering why. All I can say to that is Goodbye, morons. Thanks for ridding the world of your moron children. Yeah, I know, very cold hearted of me, but it’s the truth.

Charles Darwin discovered evolution and that it’s based on survival of the fittest. The least fit don’t survive to reproduce, but with our modern medicine and veritable worship of babies, even the least likely to survive do so anyway and reproduce more of their inferior genes. If the Vaxx is correcting this error of ours, that’s a good thing for humanity.

I wonder how many of the migrants swarming illegally into our country with the aid of our government have had at least one injection? Globally about 70% have, so I suppose that’s probably the average for these people. That means 70% are going to drop dead over the coming years, and explains why so many are being let in. To replace those soon to die.

There’s a thing about those shots that you just don’t hear about unless you really get into learning more about them, and that’s their impact on injectees DNA. It permanently alters their DNA, and that change is passed on to their children. What it will do to them, I don’t know. What I do know is that this change will spread, through intermarriage between the Vaxxed and unVaxxed, and their children, until the entire human race has this DNA alteration.

To put this another way, the evolution of the human race has been artificially altered and turned to a new direction. What direction? Maybe no one knows, but pessimistic me, I doubt if it will be a good thing, and expect it to be a bad thing.