Literally, “to gird your loins” means to wrap a belt around your waist so that your clothes don’t flop around loosely. It’s an ancient expression that came to mean “Prepare for difficulty”, like battle, for instance. You don’t want loose clothing catching on anything at a bad time.

So instead of saying “Happy New Year”, I’m saying “Prepare yourself”. If you think that shit hit the fan last year, look out because it’s not done yet. It’s not a coincidence that people like Lula are taking over the presidencies and prime ministerships of important nations around the world, that people everywhere are suddenly dropping dead in increasing numbers, that food production is being destroyed in the fields and at the factories and farms or that war and threats of war are increasing.

You know why all this stuff is happening, I don’t need to explain it. I’m just saying, don’t start thinking it’s over or that it won’t keep expanding outward, to you and past you, and that it won’t get worse, because all of that is true. It will. Stay on your toes, stay ready, prepare your mind to accept reality. When a 30 foot high tsunami wave is racing at you at nearly the speed of sound, you don’t want to stand there and watch it in amazement, or be fascinated by the display of sunken boats and ships that suddenly appear on the beach because the water is drawn back.

What you want to do is get to the highest ground you can, as fast as you can. Don’t get complacent. Just saying.

One thought on “GIRD YOUR LOINS”

  1. How Is The Uniparty Destroying America? Let Me Count The Ways

    In March 1962, JFK observed that “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” Sixty years later, his words resonate.

    We are seeing the foundations laid for a revolution. Whether that revolution is peaceful or violent remains to be seen. In virtually every society, over time, a few elites accumulate most of the power. Those elites, in turn, run the nation as their personal fiefdom, where they utilize the machinery of the state to enrich themselves, accumulate more power, and use trifles to appease the exponentially larger population of serfs whom they rule.

    This reality applies to monarchies, Communist tyrannies, “democracies,” theocracies, and even, as we’re coming to discover, republics. It doesn’t have anything to do with economics either, as it occurs in capitalist states, socialist states, Communist states, and mercantile states. The only difference is how long it takes for the structure to collapse. It took the Roman Republic 500 years to collapse, the French monarchy 1,000 years, the Soviet Union 70 years, and the EU shaky after just 30 years.

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