HEADLINE: “UK successfully fires high-powered laser weapon that’s as fast as the speed of light and so accurate it can hit a £1 coin from half a mile away”

My imagination soars with the news, as I envision the future. Picture, if you will, a fly zapper that sets quietly on top of the kitchen refrigerator, until a fly flies into the room and suddenly ZAP! A beam of laser light incinerates the little bastard in mid-air and it falls to the floor. Then a little robot sweeper pops out of a baseboard compartment and vacuums it up.

Or maybe not. Anyway, the British invented radar way back in 1935 so it’s reasonable that they’d be the ones to perfect this latest weapon. Soon there will be vehicles mounted with laser rifles that will roam the battlefields burning holes in anything that moves. Operated by soldiers at first but then by AI, so the battlefields will be AI machines zapping enemy AI machines while humans hide in dark places and cower in fear like a Schwarzenegger movie.

This continuing, rapid advance in devices meant to kill each other is exactly why we need a global government, or one more excellent reason, anyway, before we come up with something that kills everything.

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