Iran is now within a month or so of having enough processed uranium to build at least one and possibly up to four atomic bombs, that is if they haven’t already built at least one. No one is completely sure about this.

In their religion, they believe in something called the Missing Imam, who supposedly disappeared centuries ago, and their prophecy is that the return of this imam will usher in a Global Caliphate, worldwide Islamic rule.

In order for the imam to reappear, the prophecy says that huge numbers of people must die very quickly, and atomic bombs can make that happen. This is why they want them, not as a deterrent to others but to use to fulfill their prophecy and bring about the Global Caliphate.

These are the same people as Hamas and Hezbollah, they’re all Iran, they have no conscience, they only want to kill people and don’t care who. This is why the Middle East is so unstable. Because of this insane prophecy.

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