HEADLINE: “UK successfully fires high-powered laser weapon that’s as fast as the speed of light and so accurate it can hit a £1 coin from half a mile away”

My imagination soars with the news, as I envision the future. Picture, if you will, a fly zapper that sets quietly on top of the kitchen refrigerator, until a fly flies into the room and suddenly ZAP! A beam of laser light incinerates the little bastard in mid-air and it falls to the floor. Then a little robot sweeper pops out of a baseboard compartment and vacuums it up.

Or maybe not. Anyway, the British invented radar way back in 1935 so it’s reasonable that they’d be the ones to perfect this latest weapon. Soon there will be vehicles mounted with laser rifles that will roam the battlefields burning holes in anything that moves. Operated by soldiers at first but then by AI, so the battlefields will be AI machines zapping enemy AI machines while humans hide in dark places and cower in fear like a Schwarzenegger movie.

This continuing, rapid advance in devices meant to kill each other is exactly why we need a global government, or one more excellent reason, anyway, before we come up with something that kills everything.


Headline: “Experts already developing vaccine for Disease X as it could kill 50 million people”.

Will someone please explain to me how a vaccine can be developed for a non-existent disease?

Vaccines are made by taking dead or fatally damaged virus cells that have been rendered harmless and injecting them into people, where the body then attacks those cells and creates antibodies to them. Then if a vaccinated person is exposed to that particular virus, the body is already equipped to defend itself from it. The stuff they pumped into 75% of humanity was not a vaccine, it was a chemical formula.

What this is REALLY about is either they’re trying to scare the hell out of us as usual, with a totally impossible story, OR, our and other governments are developing vaccines for mutations and variants they created of really nasty diseases that they’ve infected monkeys with, in case they or someone else “accidentally” releases it like China supposedly did in 2019. It was actually just the Flu.

The answer is probably BOTH, to keep us afraid now while they decide which pandemic disease they’re going to throw at us next, because this next one won’t just be the Flu, it will be really bad and probably piggy-backed on the Flu season so everyone who gets a runny nose will panic and think they have The Big One.


Omigod, omigod, 5000 bank offices and 4600 store fronts closed last year, Holy Shit, we’re all doomed and the Dollar is becoming worthless. Oh Dearie Me, what shall we do?

I read this crap in the news every day, “They’re Out To Destroy The Economy. Prepare now” followed by ads to buy gold, silver and coins, survival books and so on. No, they’re not out to destroy the economy, they’re out to increase poverty, to reduce wages.

There are over 66,600 bank offices still open to the public. There’s still about a Million retail stores doing business, and the Dollar is worth more than a lot of foreign currencies including the Canadian Dollar, the Australian Dollar, and one US Dollar will get you 87 Russian Rubles or 7 Chinese Yuan plus change. The Euro is worth about 12 cents more than a Dollar but a Dollar will buy you 147 Japanese Yen.

All currencies inflate over time and they all do it pretty evenly with the others, because the world’s economy is just that, Global. Our economy increased by over $3 Trillion from 2022 and is still rising. Not shrinking, or collapsing. The Globalist government we now have is not out to destroy our economy, they’re out to break down our social values. We see all the ways they’re doing it without my having to list them but I’ll mention mass immigration, racial division and genital mutilation as a few of the most obvious ones.

Causing disruption in international shipping and commerce causes shortages of goods, which drives up the price since everything is based on supply and demand. Wages stay the same, and when the goods become freely available again, their prices stay inflated. This means that now everyone is paying more for the same stuff, or look at it the other way, they’re all now getting paid less.

Buying things that keep well, especially food, is wise right now if you can afford to buy extra, because prices will keep going up. This will make your dollars go further. The “Undocumented Migrants”, so called, will keep coming in by the millions, driving wages down, down, down. This is what you should be panicking about. The government isn’t destroying it’s economy, it’s just destroying yours.


The word “sidling” derives from “side”, to approach something sideways, to side-step up to a person, thing or idea. In this particular case, our government is sidling up to increasing admissions about UFOs, or UAPs as they prefer to call them now.

The latest is a closed Congressional session, hearing testimony on the subject from various witnesses who several senators, on being interviewed by reporters, described as credible.

The simple fact that these elected members of government keep holding these hearings should make it plain that this is a serious subject with them, and the discussions are not about whether these craft are from other planets and alien races. It’s about whether they pose a threat to us and if so, what we can do about it and how much of this technology we’ve been able to reverse-engineer.

The Public is being slowly fed increasing bits and snippets of reality regarding the existence of alien beings. Naval officers are relating their experiences of seeing disc shaped ships fly into the ocean and submariners are talking about objects passing by underwater at far higher speeds than are supposedly possible. Navy and Air Force pilots keep describing aircraft unlike anything Earthly that perform beyond anything humanity has built, and all this is happening with increasing frequency.

Scientists and military officers are saying there appears to be bases in Antarctica and under the ocean. This sounds far-fetched but again, these are credible people with advanced careers, not loons with histories of mental illness. When you consider that the radio vacuum tube was invented in 1908 and the first cellphone network launched in 1979 using microchip technology only 71 years later, and then imagine where human technology will be in just another hundred years, there’s no doubt that we’ll have been to other stars, other planets in that time using some advance in physics that allows nearly instant travel.

This is not unreasonable. There’s Quantum Entanglement of paired particles, where a change in one particle occurs in the other particle instantaneously regardless of distance, and there’s wormhole theory, and the bending of spacetime, for a few possibilities.

The point is that we’re on the verge of discovering, or may already have, the technologies needed to take us out into the stars, and we know now that there are 6 billion Earth-like planets in our own galaxy. There has to be a lot of star-faring civilizations out of 6 billion possibilities, especially considering that ours will soon be one. Until recently it was thought that planets like Earth were rare. Six billion is not rare. It’s common and that means that life is common.

The presence of these alien visitors is considerably increasing lately, which of course is why the Senate hearings have started up along with all the releases on the subject by our government. The question I have at this point is, Why? So many things seem to be coming to a head. The Globalist drive toward a unified world government, the unprecedented havoc in the global food supply and the global transportation of it and other goods, the spreading wars, the massive global Killer Vax injection program and the lockdowns, the WHO warnings of a new and worse pending pandemic, the new “vaccine” development before a disease for it exists and all the admissions now by our government about the existence of “UAPs”.

We know they’re out to whittle down the world’s population but what do the aliens have to do with it? If they wanted to rule us, they already would be. So what’s the plan? I have my ideas but I’ve probably lost most of my audience now just saying what I already have. Maybe later. Right now there’s enough questions to deal with.


And a world has died with her. On a sunny spring day in 1949, little 3 year old Kathy Fiscus was playing in a field with her sister just outside of their home when Kathy fell down an uncovered well no one knew was there.

The news of this quickly came out on radio and television and thousands of people converged on the scene offering to help save her. Cranes and well digging equipment showed up, people ran their cars out of gas and their batteries died because they kept their headlights on so the digging could continue after dark and then movie studios sent generators and bright floodlights so the rescue effort could continue through the night. The effort to save her was absolutely massive.

The entire nation was glued to their radios and TV sets, hoping and praying this little girl could be pulled alive from that hole. But after a frantic two days and nights of effort, she was dead when she was finally removed from the well, and for a while after that, the nation mourned her passing.

In 1949 there were 149 million people in the USA. Today the official count is 341 million, not counting 9 or 10 million uncounted illegal alien migrants. There are 200,000,000, that’s Two Hundred MILLION, MORE PEOPLE now in the USA than there were in 1949, that’s double the population plus 50 million, and no one gives a shit anymore about little girls who fall down wells.

That is the world we lost, the one where we all cared about each other and came together in times of crisis, and this is the one we have now, where there’s so many of us we have come to hate each other and not care what happens to anyone except a few family and friends. This is only one of the many reasons we need to stop breeding like rats and have a government that forces us to control ourselves.

A Global government will be a dictatorship, which can’t be any worse than the hell of living on sidewalks and in cars and digging through the garbage cans behind the local McDonalds for a meal.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that “you can’t use a gun for self-protection in Canada. It’s not a right that you have..” and in Quebec, Canada, the citizens are now told that if they post videos online of porch thieves stealing their packages, they could be “violating the thieves right to privacy”. Admittedly, Quebec is weird, tiny and French Only but this is right-on stuff for Canada.

My father was born in Canada and his parents emigrated there from England while Canada was still part of the British Empire and I nearly emigrated to Canada about 50 years ago. It was realizing how cold their winters are that stopped me and I’m glad now that I never did it. Canada is way ahead of the United States in becoming a total dictatorship.

As a Canadian citizen I’d be in prison there for the things I say on this blog. You can’t speak out about the “trans” insanity, you’ll be imprisoned. You have to be very careful of what you say about the government and Fidel Castro’s son Justin Trudeau and you damn well better not be an activist or demonstrate against anything unless the government approves of it.

Canada is leading the way. If you would like to know what life under a world-wide Globalist government will be like, just keep watching Canada for the next few years as they tighten their control over the people.


The US Army recruiters are really whining, recruitment of WHITE men has dropped to almost half of what it was 5 years ago. What the hell did they expect? They allowed open homosexuals into our military services, women in command of ships, queers on ships and in barracks, they even pay for these fucknuts to get surgery to make them look more like women, and then expect straight guys to want to be part of this? This isn’t news, it’s been going on for a long time now, so why is this a big deal now on Just now waking up?

One hellacious blaster of a rain and wind storm hammered through here tonight. It seems to have passed, it’s 5:30 A.M. and still very dark outside, the storm woke me hours ago, no way to sleep through all that noise. The power went out for awhile, I know because all the clocks need to be reset.

Each day I check some news aggregators to see if anything important is happening in the world and you would think so, looking at the various headlines about all the politics. But it’s all just noise and means nothing. Politics means nothing. It used to, before the UniParty. Not anymore. Now it’s all just planned pap for public consumption, to keep us sheep fooled while they shear us.

They’re going apeshit in the streets of Ecuador right now over the drug cabal effort to take over the country and the bored citizens are happily joining in, setting cars on fire and shooting each other for no reason whatever except it’s something to do. No news here, people do this crap all the time and Ecuador is top of the Unimportant Country list.

The problem is that nearly everything major happening in the world right now is all just part of the plan, so it’s not news. War in Israel? Planned. News at first, but not now, not unless someone sets off a nuke or the USA starts attacking Iran.

Here’s a bit of news. All that oil under the ground? Most of it was formed by planetary processes, not rotting dinosaurs and ancient forests. It’s not “fossil fuel” after all. What is, is the coal. Happy Thursday to you.


A chimera is an imaginary combination of different creatures that were believed to exist in ancient times. Here is one example of a chimera:

This one was called a Centaur. Notice that while this creature’s front end is a human torso, it’s still a horse’s ass.

Today, we have modern chimeras that are also imaginary creatures that don’t exist in reality. The New Chimeras are Half-Man, Half Woman. They fantasize themselves as Trans-men and Trans-women, and like Centaurs, they’re all horse’s asses like the critters shown below because there is no “trans”. But see for yourself. Do these horses asses make your dick rise? These are men. They may have had their genitals chopped off and a hole fabricated instead, and they may be jacked full of female hormones, but they’re male in DNA, brain, organs and bone structure.

But okay, not as male as they once were because insanity is a common human condition.


Constantly on news blogs, online news and TV news stations, I keep hearing about things that are a “threat to democracy”. Both supposedly right-wingers and left-wingers say it, supposedly “Democrat” and “Republican” news presenters say it, all the Uniparty liars say it, that everything that everyone they’re against is doing is a “threat to democracy”.

What fucking democracy? How is it a democracy when our votes for President don’t mean a goddam thing, when the elections are stolen regardless of how we vote? A democracy is when the People choose their leaders, not when the leaders choose the leaders.

I’m not whining about it, or lamenting the loss of what democracy we did have. I have no power to change anything, the sense to know that, and the sense to accept how things are. I’m just tired of the bullshit. Stop telling us that the people and situations that you oppose are a threat to democracy just because you oppose them, when you’re the ones who destroyed our democracy. It’s bullshit, a waste of oxygen and my time.