Some very well versed folks in the banking and finance industries are saying that the collapse of the SVB bank looks like a deliberate conspiracy to destroy public confidence in the American banking system and promote a Social Credit system similar to that of China’s.

Well, maybe, maybe not, let’s see. Has our government conspired to do other harmful things to us? Yes, actually.

Dr. Fauci comes immediately to mind, with his now known and proven conspiracy with the Chinese lab in Wuhan doing Gain of Function research, then there’s the Covid Mrna “Vaccine” conspiracy that’s killing millions at an increasing rate along with the public reversal of trust in doctors and hospitals with most of us now afraid of them instead of trusting them, and only a fool in this country trusts vaccines anymore.

Then there’s the government shutdown of our oil industry, driving the price of fuels to double what they were, and the mysterious massive poultry farm fires that destroyed much of our chicken and egg production, along with the fertilizer plant fires that will hugely impact farm production starting this coming Spring. Would you call these events part of a conspiracy to harm America?

Over all, of course, is the sudden big increase in inflation that’s drained people’s savings and shrunk their retirements, and made low wages even lower, while hundreds of thousands of illegal alien migrants are steadily allowed to pour in over open, unprotected borders and eagerly take any available job at any low wage, while American workers go hungry. Would you call that part of a conspiracy to harm America?

What about encouraging children in public schools to “change their sex”, making it legal for them to have their genitals mutilated? Our public schools are are all Federal and State funded. Since Sexual Dysphoria is actually a recognized mental disorder, why isn’t it treated instead of approved of and encouraged? Sure sounds like a conspiracy to harm Americans, to me.

Isn’t it strange that so much of what’s happening is directed at destroying Americans prosperity and trust? Trust in doctors and the medical profession, trust in government and banks, trust in schools and teachers? Trust in the value of money, trust in the quality of food and even the availability of food. And mostly, trust in their futures?

Well, what happens when you can’t trust anything anymore? When all those solid foundations fall apart and you can no longer be sure of anything? What happens is you become afraid.

What happens when everyone becomes afraid? Chaos. Chaos is what happens.


The Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has suddenly collapsed. As of the end of last year, the bank had 175 billion dollars in deposits, and approximately 151 billion dollars of those deposits were uninsured. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, FDIC, insures all bank deposits nationwide up to $250,000. If you had more than that in this bank, and a great many Tech start-up companies did, and the bank does not have sufficient assets to cover it, you lose. Getting back $250,000 while losing tens of $millions will not save your company.

This may be a Major Extinction Event for small high-tech startup companies. That’s very bad, but it may be even worse. These big banking corporations issue stocks that investors buy. The stock value of SVB has plummeted to nothing, so all those who invested in it have lost their money and this has caused a panic among other investors in other banking stocks, who are now unloading their stocks.

Large depositors in other major banks are withdrawing their funds, and a national run on the nation’s largest banks could collapse the banking system, which would result in the collapse of major corporations of all types, shutting down business and industry and putting almost everyone out of work. This thing could snowball.

Yesterday, March 10, 2023, “Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen convened leaders from the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to discuss developments around Silicon Valley Bank. Secretary Yellen expressed full confidence in banking regulators to take appropriate actions in response and noted that the banking system remains resilient and regulators have effective tools to address this type of event.”

So right now, they’re on it, but that doesn’t mean they’ll fix it, because here’s what caused it:

The increase in the Federal interest rate on bonds has made the earlier bonds sold with interest rates of 1% or less, of much less value, because inflation has devalued the dollar. Why would you buy a bond that pays 1% interest when inflation keeps making the dollar worth less. You want bonds that pay higher interest so you can make a profit or at least keep up with inflation.

Banks own $Trillions in Federal bonds at very low interest rates. SVB was heavily invested in these bonds too, and told their depositors that they needed $2.5 Billion to balance their accounts. People lost confidence in them and started taking out their money, and in two days the bank had collapse and was taken over by Federal regulators.

Many other really big banks also have lots of these non-salable bonds that they put their depositors money into as a safe place to keep it. These bonds have time limits before the government has to redeem them, 10 years and more, so the banks are stuck with them until they can be sold back, and meanwhile the depositors money is frozen in them and unavailable to be withdrawn.

Most banks operate on only about 10%, AT MOST, of the actual deposits in cash. All the rest is out on loans and invested in bonds. So if people panic and start pulling all their cash out of the banks, the banks will collapse and so will the entire US economy, and it will happen literally within a few days from when it starts.

Stay tuned………


The Globalists are having a big WEF summit meeting in Dubai right now, with national leaders and billionaire elitists from all over the planet joining in, and the messages coming out of this multi-level conference are that according to Klaus Schwab, they have to act soon or the opportunity to take over the world may slip from their grasp, while Professor Arturo Bris from the IMD World Competitiveness Center argued that a “shock” is needed to shift global society away from the current “world order.” Something to rapidly shock the global population and make them want to come together to defend the human race.

I know this is a very snide remark but I can’t resist: His last name, Bris? A bris is the implement used in Jewish infant circumcisions.

Okay, moving along… What sort of “shock” would unite humanity? Well, how about AN ALIEN ATTACK? Did you see the movie “Independence Day”? There you go. What could possibly bring all of us together better than an attack on all of us?

What I suggest they do is release the “Real Truth” about the Covid Pandemic, that it was spread by Aliens from space and we weren’t told, to keep us from panicking. But now a New Disease has been released by them because they’re trying to get rid of all humans and we all have to come together and pool our resources to fight this.

The reason they’re not bombing us or anything is because they don’t want to harm the planet, just get rid of us. Right? You’d buy that if lots of leaders swore it was true, now wouldn’t you?

So a cure will be created, like a VACCINE, maybe, and the sooner we all take it, the better each person’s chance of survival will be. Meanwhile we are working to give the aliens a virus that we created just for them, (Independence Day movie, right?) because they’re vulnerable to our diseases. Okay, that’s a wrap, send that to the editors, people are suckers, they’ll believe every word, in their panic and fear and moronic trust.

Most people will believe this crap and because they were so successful with the first pandemic, and because over 80% of Earth’s people went and got a “vaccine” shot because they were told to, there’s no reason not to do this again with a disease that plays on the harm that the shots have done to us, and causes a massive wave of deaths, while many of the 18 or 20 percent who didn’t get the shot before will run out and get the New Shot and die a week or two later.

I betcha that this is the plan, this is the “shock” that’s coming. Maybe not, I don’t have a crystal ball, but everything is all set up for it, with our government steadily hinting more and more that the UFOs or UAPs, whatever, are not from Earth. If they tell us that Yes, we are being attacked by aliens, the panic will be global.


Ever since I posted on the hilarious behavior of Harry and Meghan and that mess the Brits call the “Royal Family”, Mr. X has been conspicuously absent. I do believe he took offense at my point of view. Not just mine, actually, but the majority of people outside the UK and, I’m sure, plenty of them in the UK as well.

There’s a certain arrogance to mostly the older, Anglo-Saxon Brits, that they haven’t earned and have no right to. They’re like a ragged beggar who is given a fancy new frock coat, their grandiosity is all in their minds.

My ancestry is about 80% from the UK, England and Ireland, specifically, but that doesn’t mean I have some sort of Loyalty to them. I don’t. Their king tried to prevent us from becoming free of his tyranny and a lot of innocent people died as a result of his blockheaded greed and drive for dominance.

Most of my UK ancestors were not good people. There’s only a few of them I have a right to be proud of, one is a western pioneer, and a great grandfather, who did a great deal to help settle the state of Montana.

The British are mostly closed-minded, they live in the past clinging to their faint, faded memories of Empire, which they lost because of their total inability to see other peoples as being equals. Instead they oppressed the conquered the same as they did their own citizens. We see how well that worked out for them.

I think they still hang on to their stupid, philandering, sissified Royal Family because it’s the last vestige of a once proud past.

The plain truth today is that if the USA, which these simpering hypocrites still call “The Colonies”, had not come to their aid when the Germans were beating the holy crap out of them, that they would all be speaking Kraut today, and they should thank their lucky stars that their asshole king failed in his attempt to make the USA part of his poorly run empire.


Years back, when the homosexual/pervert crowd was first having their “Pride Parades” of nearly naked men in thongs and they tried to do the same thing in Russia, they were beaten and chased from the streets.

So a lot of us thought that Russia had the right idea, stop all the perversion before it starts instead of letting it go on and keep getting worse, the way it has here. The same goes for groups like BLM and Antifa, and the Negro riots over some violent, drug-addict blacks being killed by police, along with the looting and burning. None of that was allowed to happen in Russia, and for that I give them total credit. Good job.

BUT… it doesn’t end there. Ever since the invasion of Ukraine, Russian citizens have been protesting this war, and the government has been responding to the protests the same brutal way that Joseph Stalin did in his time. There are stories coming out of Russia about children, 10 to 12 years old, who have spoken up against the war during school classes, and the government has imprisoned their families and put them in government wards.

The obvious purpose in this is to scare the hell out of the people and silence their dissent, and it probably works pretty well in doing that, but it doesn’t change the minds of those who see their government as oppressive.

Our own government has pulled off stunts like this, our own government is oppressive and uses Stalinesque tactics, the January 6 demonstrations in Wash. DC that the government turned into a pogrom against anyone supporting Donald Trump, is a glaring example but there’s plenty of others that are less visible or reported on, of our government oppressing people who speak out. Like the hundreds of doctors who spoke against the Covid scam and were fired and even stripped of their licenses to practice.

I used to think that Russia was stronger morally than the USA, but they’re not. Both nations are self-destructing in their own preferred ways, along with the rest of the world. Soon the only good places left to live will be some remote islands in the Pacific where no one ever goes.


But toro means Bull and caga means Shit, so TORO CAGA to this: Sen. Lindsey Graham, aka RINO LIAR (R-S.C.) on Monday said he was prepared to introduce legislation to “set the stage” for U.S. military force in Mexico, saying it was time to “get tough” on the neighboring country after four Americans were kidnapped by armed men this week.

What a load of crap. They want to start a war with Mexico now? Using those kidnappings as an excuse? It’s Bullshit. Those Americans were kidnapped by mistake by a Drug Cartel. Where does the drug money come from? FROM US !

Why are the cartels making lots of money? Because our border with Mexico IS WIDE OPEN. Instead of going to war with Mexico and killing a bunch of cartel members and getting a bunch of American military killed, just CLOSE THE FUCKING BORDER.

If they really want to kill Mexican drug dealers, do it as they sneak across. We have the right and the laws are already on the books. Anyone caught smuggling drugs gets automatically executed on the spot and that’s that, and in no time at all, the American drug problem disappears, the drug cartels fall apart, Mexico becomes a much safer country and so does the USA.

The dickheads in our government know this, but they won’t do it because they’re making money off the drug trade, either directly or politically. So instead, let’s have fun sending troops into Mexico and shoot the place up, as if the Mexicans aren’t doing plenty of that themselves, already.

Listen, world, the USA gets a massive amount of fresh fruit and vegetables from Mexico every year. Without Mexico there’d be no tomatoes, lettuce and so forth in winter. It all comes from them. So great idea, let’s go to Mexico and destroy all the farmland by claiming they’re growing coca plants on it. Son of a bitch.


To review, a 15 minute city is a town where everything is within 15 minutes walking distance of everything else. You can walk clear across it from one side to the other in 15 minutes. This is the new residential/business planning guide for new developments and the idea behind it is to limit the use of cars. At least, that’s what we’re told. But it’s not just that. This is going to severely limit the ability of people to travel. More on that on down below.

Cities previously were designed for horse-drawn carriage transportation, which was easily adapted to motor vehicles when they replaced the carriages. Now the plan is to end that and design smaller towns for foot traffic, that have all the necessities, shops, health and so on and any of them can be reached on foot in 15 minutes.

This idea is spreading, and the first applications of it are to convert large cities into a bunch of little 15 minute towns. According to Liberty Nation News, “a similar program known as the Complete Neighborhood concept is in place in Portland, OR.” along with Oxford, England, the European cities of Copenhagen, Amsterdam, and Oslo. Meanwhile, there’s plans for a 20-minute city in Detroit, MI.

15 minute towns will really only work if you have a lot less people. The real plan here is to, first, break up the cities into these 15 minute areas, and that can really only be done by shutting down the city areas encircling them and emptying them, and that can only be done by getting rid of the inhabitants of those areas.

If the the population of a large city can be reduced from 8 or 10 million down to a few 100 thousand, then the people can be re-distributed to the selected 15 minute areas.

In other words, this 15 minute city plan is part of the Globalist plan to reduce humanity to 500 million people. It won’t work well in large cities. The cities will have to be broken up.

Here’s one way that travel is going to be severely limited, according to Liberty Nation News: High tech license plate readers have been installed in Oxford and their purpose is to “fine drivers from outside the county of Oxfordshire who entered central areas during high-traffic periods,” according to Bloomberg, which also noted, “Oxford residents will be allowed fine-free peak-hour access for 100 days per year, with residents of the wider county able to apply for a 25-day fine-free access permit.”

County, but non-city, residents will only be able to do business or visit in Oxford for 25 days out of the year and a permit to do that is required or there’s fines. The actual residents of Oxford get 100 days a year to drive in town during “peak hours”, whatever those are, and that can mean any time span they want it to.

Now do this in all the other cities mentioned above, and do it in all the smaller cities and towns in Europe, the USA and Canada. Eventually the only traffic you’ll see on Interstate highways will be freight trucks and government vehicles.

I couldn’t see how the Globalists were going to make these 15 minute cities work, with all the people on the planet. But it will be easy once all those people are gone.


Usually, when people go crazy, they do it slowly, a little at a time, over the years, so that those around them don’t really notice how crazy they’re getting or how dangerous they’re becoming until it’s too late to reverse their course and bring them back to sanity, and they’ve gone berserk and caused some terrible damage.

People don’t go crazy on purpose, when they do it’s just because that’s how life turned out for them.

But the progressive insanity of humanity is on purpose. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was an insane act of open aggression that anyone with sense would have known it would immediately cause all the neighboring nations to prepare for war against Russia. This is just one thing. There’s many things. Very many things.

The Trans movement where even children are being encouraged to become homosexual, to have their sex organs mutilated, to try to become the opposite sex when this is flatly impossible, is insane, yet governments are making very punitive laws protecting it and punishing those who speak out against it.

The idiocy of “pronouns” and “dead-naming”. People are being attacked and even arrested for not calling someone by their “preferred pronouns”, or by saying “he” or “him” to some queer man in a dress.

Drag queen shows and story hours for pre-teens in schools. Pornographic books aimed at children in school libraries, homosexual parades, cross-dressers and “trans” people appointed to the highest levels of government and the military. Biological men being allowed to participate in women’s sports and use women’s bathrooms, dressing rooms and showers.

China’s orchestrated spread of the Covid disease, the censoring and outlawing of the medicines to cure it, the Covid19 “vaccine” injected into 7.25 billion people that is 100% NON-effective at preventing the disease but may be 100% effective in causing them to get other diseases. People are suddenly dropping dead all over the planet. Millions of them.

Trust in doctors and hospitals has gone from complete trust to no trust at all.

The global food supply is being destroyed. Russia and Ukraine, the world’s two largest grain producers, are at war. Just over a year ago the global supply system crashed, and it began with a cargo ship going crossways in the Suez Canal and blocking traffic long enough to back up cargo shipping around the world.

The train wreck of very hazardous chemicals in Ohio that just happened may have been accidental but the decision to burn those chemicals instead of cleaning them up, was not, and the result is a planned environmental disaster that may destroy most of the food producing ability of the state.

Many of the really huge chicken meat and egg ranches in the USA have been burned to the ground over the past year and a half, along with fertilizer plants. A Bird Flu outbreak has forced the slaughter of millions more chickens. The largest supplier of chicken feed in America, Tractor Supply, is now selling feed that stops hens from laying.

America has always been the breadbasket of the world and the world’s food supply is under attack.

The number of beef cattle in the USA is way down now because of a lack of feed for them.

Migrants continue to swarm in to Western Europe and the USA, with no vetting and no idea who these people are and what they plan to do, and this is encouraged by governments.

If the world is not now preparing for war, it appears to be, at the same time that the ability of most people to survive such a war is being subverted by shortages of food and medicines.

Human civilization is being massively disrupted, but slowly and incrementally. Every social institution and norm is under attack, which gains the attention and outrage of the population and makes the greater damage and destruction seems less important to them.

The Human Race is being conned, we’re being duped. We’re being distracted with lots of bizarre issues and events that the MSM keep bringing to our attention while the most important news is hidden and ignored, not just here but globally.

The plot to kill off most of us is proceeding as planned.


They’re just beating the crap out of those war drums. They should be careful they don’t break.

I think it’s all just more Fear propaganda. There’s far too many empty threats of war to put any trust in any of them. Now there’s talk of Food Rationing and next we’ll be hearing about needing to sign up for booklets of ration stamps like we did in World War 2. Meanwhile farms, hatcheries, food and fertilizer plants keep mysteriously burning to the ground and there’s a sudden rash of train derailments of huge quantities of very dangerous chemicals that are burned instead of being cleaned up, causing large areas of farmland to be poisoned along with the areas lakes and streams.

Russia’s going to use nuclear weapons any time now. China’s going to supply Russia with weapons, the USA is warning China not to. Romania, Poland, Sweden and Finland are gearing up for war, Belarus is threatening to come in against Ukraine. The whole world may go to war. Meanwhile NATO nations are supplying advanced weapons to the Ukrainians and we’re told here in the USA that we’re running out of them and it will take years to replace them, so when China attacks us, we won’t be able to defend ourselves.

China may invade the USA, Iran could have nuclear weapons in 12 days, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is imminent, but maybe it isn’t. China is our worst enemy, China may do this, China may do that, and it’s all REALLY BAD if they do.

Our economy is about to crash, China’s economy is about to crash, the global economy is about to crash.

But if all that stuff is true, then why did Elon Musk’s Tesla stock just go up so high that he’s gained about $200 billion dollars? If the world is about to be destroyed in a global conflict, why are we still deeply involved in commerce with our worst enemies instead of building factories to produce what we now buy from them?

It could all just be distraction, to keep each of us worried about our own personal welfare and safety while the world is being prepared for the Great Reset? What’s the Great Reset? That’s when governments merge together in a global autocracy and we all become slaves of the One Big State.

Trying to make our children become homosexual looks to be part of a play to reduce the population generally. Certainly, any rise in the percent of homosexuals will decrease the number of childbirths. War is useful for disposing of a lot of people, too. So are diseases and starvation.

But we still don’t know if it’s all just to keep us afraid and confused while the last of our liberties are stripped away, or if things are really going to become the disastrous mess we keep getting told will happen. Inflation took off like a rocket a few months ago and is already calming down, but food prices rose more than enough to create a lot of panic and hardship for the lowest in income among us.

Some inflation is good when a government owes a lot of money because they’re paying off the interest in devalued currency. Like us, for instance. The interest on our National Debt this year is over a trillion dollars, yet our government keeps spending money like drunken sailors. It makes me think that they don’t care, because it’s not going to matter much longer. If we switch to a global currency, it won’t matter.

That’s what the EU did, they created a new EU Member currency, the Euro. What if we joined the EU? We work together on most everything now anyway.

The truth is in the changes, not the rhetoric, the news, the speeches and the threats, but in the alliances being made and the flow of the money. It’s always about following the money. If you’re doing business with an enemy, that’s not really your enemy even if you both say so. It’s your partner.