In the beginning of World War 2, Italian Prime Minister and dictator Benito Mussolini was wildly popular. He had convinced the Italian people that Italy was a major military power that commanded world respect. Just like Vladimir Putin has done.

He brought Italy into the war on the side of Germany and Adolf Hitler, but by the time Allied forces were marching through a bombed, wrecked, defeated, impoverished and nearly destroyed Italy, his popularity was over and he was trying to sneak out of Italy before an angry mob got hold of him.

He didn’t make it, he was discovered trying to flee, and after being executed by a partisan firing squad, his body was hung upside down from a lamp post in Milan where people assaulted his corpse.

Now I see Vladimir Putin going down this same road. He’s been wildly popular as the Strong Man who’s made Russia feared and respected as a great world power, but the war he launched against Ukraine has resulted in a huge loss of Russian lives, war machines and world respect, it’s revealed how inept and inadequate Russia’s military actually is, and has caused great economic harm to the whole country.

What may prove just as bad is the totally gratuitous, sore-loser destruction that the fleeing Russian troops have inflicted on the people of Ukraine on top of the horrendous deaths and destruction already endured. In the end, Russia may be forced to pay reparations to Ukraine that could amount to trillions of dollars and keep Russian citizens in poverty for the next 40 or 50 years.

Putin, right now, is losing the love of the people. They’re backing away from him, dissidents are daring to speak out against him, and the fight in Ukraine isn’t over yet. He’s already disgraced now by the loss of Kherson, the only city he was actually able to capture. When Ukraine takes the war across the Dnieper River to attack the occupying Russians, and they will, then what? Ukraine’s military strategists are plainly better than the Russians, I fully expect Ukraine to shove Russia clear out of Ukraine and to take back Crimea as well, and what’s to stop them from attacking Belarus next? Or from invading Russia? After all, Ukraine is backed up by Western Europe and the USA.

Vlad Putin is in the same position as Mussolini was, dictator of an over-hyped military and backed up by allies who can’t, or won’t, come to his aid, and he’s losing the love.


When Russia finally gave up and bailed out of Afghanistan, admitting defeat, they cheered themselves up by pointing at our own defeat in Vietnam. Then we went into Afghanistan and ended up doing a truly disastrous withdrawal thanks to the incompetent assholes who took over the country from Donald Trump’s administration and the Russians laughed again.

They’re not laughing now. Now they’re suffering a second Afghanistan disaster in Ukraine and they deserve it. Neither of our nations has any business conducting foreign wars in nations where we weren’t invited and weren’t wanted.

When the Russians were in Afghanistan we gave tons of munitions to the native people to fight Russia with, which went a long way in defeating them. Then those same weapons were turned against us in terrorist attacks when we went into that country to fight the Taliban.

We especially didn’t belong there because it wasn’t the Taliban that caused the 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City, it was the Saudis. Saudi Arabia was behind it, it was Saudis who were in those aircraft. But the rich fuckers in our government, namely the Bush oil family, were all ass-kissy with the Saudis so they just dismissed the attack as being organized by a radical Islamic group, which in fact it was, and used the attack as an excuse to make war in Iraq and Afghanistan, in hopes of plundering the natural resources of those backward nations.

Russia, aka Vlad Putin, wants to plunder Ukraine for their food production and use them in his effort to rebuild the Soviet Union. So once again, we are arming those who are being invaded by Russia.

Russia armed the Vietnamese against us, this stuff just keeps going back and forth, and while lots of people die, the arms makers get rich and economies flourish, and if any actual successes come out of all the blood and death, so much the better. If they don’t, oh well, lots of money was made.

Russia’s losing this one. They won’t get to add Ukraine to their territory, instead they’ll probably end up losing Crimea back to Ukraine and in the process they’ve revealed how clumsy and inept their military leaders are, and how inadequate their armament is. Their formidable looking tanks turned out to be junk compared to the defenses against them, and their soldiers are untrained and poorly equipped.

All they really have left that can’t be overpowered by our and NATO’s arms is their nuclear weaponry, and if they used that against any of us, they would be bombed into eternity and they know it.

This means that Russia’s bullying is at an end. This is what happens when one person becomes the sole power of any nation. All it takes is one mistake and everything falls apart. I expect to see the same thing happen in China now that Xi has consolidated his power. Dictators just never work out well in the long run and Vlad Putin is finding out now how true that is.