Donald Trump announced tonight that he’s running again for President. After the failure of the “Red Wave” that was expected to sweep in an overwhelming number of Republicans into Congress and take over the House and Senate, I figured he’d see the light and endorse Ron DeSantis for the Republican nomination.

Still, this isn’t a slam dunk, the Republican Party chooses who they nominate as their candidate but if I were Ron DeSantis, I’d stay right there in Florida as governor, knowing that whoever runs for President in 2024 and wins is going to be the person the Uniparty chooses, not who the people vote for.

In other words, Donald Trump doesn’t stand a snowflake’s chance in Hell of winning the Presidency, and even if they gave it to him, they wouldn’t let him do anything with it.

BUT, there is one way that he could be President again. That’s if he made a deal with the Globalist Cabal running America to promote their agenda and make them look good in the process. The Globalists want control of us, of what we say, what we hear, what we’re taught, they want to limit our ability to travel and they want to suppress dissent. Along with that they want to decrease our numbers.

They’ve already achieved most of this. They have complete control of the MSM, that now acts in lockstep with each other, all spouting the same propaganda. 75% of us have had the shots and the death rate is accelerating.

We now have more people in America than we can feed and provide jobs for, while food production is crashing globally along with the supply chain. By 2024 it’s going to be a rolling disaster on steroids in the cities. The world will be in a global depression. This isn’t me predicting this, it’s what I keep reading on financial sites.

So yeah, Trump would make a great Big Brother, telling us all how we’re all going to work together and overcome our hardships.

You see, I think Trumps ego is much larger than his concern for our welfare. He’s a billionaire, and let’s face it, if he made a deal like this, all the attacks on him would stop, all the Justice Department threats would end, and he’d get to be President again, the one thing he seems to want more than anything else in the world. He loves the importance, the prestige, the adulation. He really does, and he loves himself a whole lot. He’s the “Stable Genius”, don’t forget.

We’ll see, there’s two years to go yet before the next Presidential election and Joe Biden is crumbling rapidly. We’re all amazed that he’s held up this well for this long, he’s unpopular, he needs to be replaced with someone charismatic and I can’t think of a better way to keep the proletariat calm and in line while they starve than to give them a Trump president. That man knows how to rally a crowd, let’s face it. He’d be a perfect Big Brother.