Brazil is the big one. Brazil is the one nation of all of them in South America that really, truly matters. If Brazil falls to Communism, the rest of South America will follow. Much of it has already, to Communism or just plain dictatorship.

Brazil is genuinely democratic, but a large part of the people favor Socialism because of widespread poverty. They want the government to support them and of course the Socialists always offer far more help than they ever deliver. This makes the country vulnerable to them. Worse, the judiciary system has become corrupt there, as it has here, and the courts are where the strength of nations really resides. That is, unless they have an independent military.

“Retired, but well-respected Brazilian General Mourao again entered the public fray yesterday over Brazil’s stolen election, posting a reference to the failed 1935 communist coup in-country.” This is being taken as a strong sign that the Brazilian military will intervene to stop the Communist takeover of the country.

Military takeovers of governments are always risky because they often turn into military dictatorships that degrade into one general establishing himself as a Supreme Leader. Then you end up with something that looks like North Korea or Venezuela.

The alternative is for Brazil to become the Communist foundation of an entirely Communist South and Central America, and if this can be avoided, then the chance has to be taken to preserve Brazil’s democratic way of life.

Of all the countries I’ve visited, my best, fondest memories are of Brazil. Democracy suits them well, Communism does not. I wish them great success in staying free.


The World Health Organization (WHO) is renaming Monkeypox to Mpox because people have been worried about the name being racist or having racial connotations.

Excuse me while I laugh my ass off. Looks like the monkeys among us know who they are, don’t they? Even stupid people know when something is true.

Most white people have some African ancestry. The Romans bred with almost everyone and anyone, it’s why Italians are dark skinned (olive complexion, they call it) and why we have “black Irish”, from the Roman occupation of the British Isles. My own ancestry is mostly British and Irish. But that’s not the point, not how dark we are but how Africans act so much like monkeys and they know it.

It’s not skin color nearly so much as it is racial behavior. African men seem to have sex with each other much more than people of other races and this is a disease that’s spread almost entirely by homosexual acts, and you have to ask, exactly how did they get it from monkeys?