Some scientists have posted a Map of the Universe online that contains 200 million actual, mapped galaxies. This map is only a small slice of the whole Universe, which contains BILLIONS of galaxies.

The AVERAGE galaxy, such as our own Milky Way, contains somewhere between 100 billion and 400 billion stars. The average star has at least one planet revolving around it and most of them have many more.

So if you figure an average of only 200 billion stars in our Milky Way, and only 2 planets per star, then there must be 400 billion planets in our galaxy.

Put another way, that’s 400 thousand thousand thousand planets, or, 400,000,000,000 planets. That’s just in our galaxy, and there may be a lot more than that.

There are more stars in the Universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches and in all the deserts on Earth.

For those who think that life is unique on our speck of rock and dirt, they need a new perspective. Earth is surrounded by at least 400,000,000,000 other planets and all the millions of them in our vicinity have been around just as long as Earth has. Many of them are in the “Goldilocks Zone”, so called, as being fit for the development of life.

Of course there’s life on other planets. Life on this one most likely came from one or more of the impacts of ice comets that gave us our oceans. We’re preparing to visit other planets. We’ve already been to our Moon and have sent robot explorers to Mars, and we’ll soon visit Mars in person.

A near-light-speed engine has been developed according to NASA that will be propelling probes to other star’s planets. We’re on our way to becoming an interstellar race. The chance of us being the first in the Galaxy to do this is zero, unless you deny the tens of millions of sightings and testimonies over the past few thousand years of those who’ve seen and interacted with alien beings who have come here.

I’ve lost patience with those who deny the existence of other intelligent races. I’ve lost patience with those who deny that our votes are meaningless now, and I’ve lost patience with those who insist that we still have two main political parties. We do not. We now have a Uniparty called “Globalist”.

Reality is reality. When something is right in your face and you continue to deny that it’s there, then you’re one of those people the Globalists are out to rid the planet of. You’re one of those people who keeps running out and getting another “Booster Shot”, and it’s good that the shot will end up killing you because it’s time we started weeding out all the stupid people to allow Humanity to finally evolve out of the ape stage.