WIKIPEDIA: “BRICS is an acronym for five leading emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.”

“Russia Announces 12 New Countries Want to Join BRICS Economic Alliance as US-Backed Global Order Crumbles”, says the headline at “Interest in this global association is very, very high and continues to grow. It’s not just Algeria, Argentina, and Iran. In fact, there are more than a dozen such countries,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday at a press conference in Moscow.

Let’s look at this supposedly dire threat to the economy of the West. The nations involved all suck economically except China. Russia has never been a big economy, all they’ve ever been is a big threat, spending every dime they could squeeze from their enslaved population to build the largest arsenal of A-Bombs on the planet. The rest of their military is crap and there’s not even much crap.

Did you notice that they don’t want to name these “12 New Countries”? What a shock, huh? Who do they have now? India, 1.5 billion people, most of whom are starving. Take a good look at those people, they’re all really skinny. Horrible economy in India. South Africa, much poorer now that the blacks took over, Argentina, very poor, Algeria, very poor. There’s 195 nations on Earth and you can bet your ass that the “12 New Countries” are the poorest of them all.

Brazil would have had a great chance at creating a booming economy until Lula the Communist took over the Presidency again. But not now. He fucked it into the dirt last time he ran the country and of course he’s going to do it again.

So this group of struggling nations in a collapsing global economy is going to cause the “U.S. backed global order” to “crumble.” Yeah, no, not today.

One of the Big Woops in the article quoted above is this: “BRICS countries are posting impressive economic results as a result of their alliance. According to current projections, trade volume between India and Russia is expected to (be) $30 billion in the near future.”

“Expected to be $30 billion in the near future”, whenever the Near Future is. $30 billion and more is what most billionaires have now. It’s nothing to a national economy, when large economies deal in $trillions yearly. A trillion dollars is a THOUSAND BILLION. $30 billion is what we spend developing a new helicopter or fighter plane, or give to Ukraine 3 times a week.

When I read this story how these mostly poor nations are going to collapse the economy of the West I laughed so hard I nearly shit a BRIC.


This article in the Sun, a British tabloid, is warning all the sheeple that if you catch Covid a second time, your risk of DEATH is twice what the first time was. The article doesn’t directly say you should go get more “boosters”, instead it says “Thanks to jabs or prior infection, most people do have some protection against the virus – but that doesn’t mean you’re immune from getting infected again. Writing in the journal, Nature Medicine, the scientists said that even if you’ve had Covid twice already, it’s better to avoid a third infection.”

Which of course means that Hey, maybe you should go get another Clot Shot.

What the article doesn’t say is that all the people getting Covid a second and third and fourth time, ALL of them, are those who’ve had the Clot Shots because the Clot Shots destroy the immune system and leave you wide open to more and more infections until you die from more and more infections. The Clot Shots give you Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Otherwise known as AIDS. Remember AIDS, that killed off so many homosexuals? Now you too can have AIDS and you don’t even have to be queer. Isn’t that wonderful? Just keep getting those “boosters” and it’s guaranteed that your immune system will be boosted clear to hell and gone.

The people who refused to take these so-called “vaccines” are the ones who – mostly – will still be around when the Globalists are finished with rubbing out 7.5 billion of us. Of course, there will be other diseases, famines, wars and so forth to get us to that point but at least 70% of humanity has stupidly rushed out to be injected with their deaths, already, so there won’t be that many left to get rid of. The last 20% may end up being easy to dispose of by that time.