This article in the Sun, a British tabloid, is warning all the sheeple that if you catch Covid a second time, your risk of DEATH is twice what the first time was. The article doesn’t directly say you should go get more “boosters”, instead it says “Thanks to jabs or prior infection, most people do have some protection against the virus – but that doesn’t mean you’re immune from getting infected again. Writing in the journal, Nature Medicine, the scientists said that even if you’ve had Covid twice already, it’s better to avoid a third infection.”

Which of course means that Hey, maybe you should go get another Clot Shot.

What the article doesn’t say is that all the people getting Covid a second and third and fourth time, ALL of them, are those who’ve had the Clot Shots because the Clot Shots destroy the immune system and leave you wide open to more and more infections until you die from more and more infections. The Clot Shots give you Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Otherwise known as AIDS. Remember AIDS, that killed off so many homosexuals? Now you too can have AIDS and you don’t even have to be queer. Isn’t that wonderful? Just keep getting those “boosters” and it’s guaranteed that your immune system will be boosted clear to hell and gone.

The people who refused to take these so-called “vaccines” are the ones who – mostly – will still be around when the Globalists are finished with rubbing out 7.5 billion of us. Of course, there will be other diseases, famines, wars and so forth to get us to that point but at least 70% of humanity has stupidly rushed out to be injected with their deaths, already, so there won’t be that many left to get rid of. The last 20% may end up being easy to dispose of by that time.