Just now read that the Brazilian military killed a bunch of top drug lords today. This is taken as a sign that they’re about to take over the government. I hope they do, and beat that asshole Lula to death while they’re doing it.

I know I repeat myself sometimes in these posts, but it’s necessary to ensure clarity and prevent misunderstanding. I do agree with the Globalists about the need to reduce our population because that will end the destruction of wildlife habitat, the extinctions of animals because of it, the trashing of the planet and the exhaustion of Earth’s natural resources.

I don’t agree with their methods, and letting Brazil be taken over by a totally corrupt piece of shit who’s backed by drug lords just isn’t the way. Brazil could stand some serious depopulation, and it should start with the drug cartels and the horrible slums.

Something else I’ve said often is that human life is not sacred. More abortions, lots more, everywhere, would be a damn good thing. A disease that causes male sterility would help. Not everyone would get it, not all would become sterile, but it would result in a lot less pregnancies.

It’s not necessary to turn nations into corrupt hellholes of misery to get this done, and if Brazil’s military does put an end to this farce of an election I’ll raise my glass to it and cheer.