Re-watched an old documentary movie last night that I’d seen before, but it’s still fascinating because it proves beyond any doubt that the Sphinx in Egypt is at least 9000 years old and possibly closer to 12,000 years in age.

The few experts saying this is wrong and it’s younger, argued that there was no other evidence of an earlier civilization, predating the Egyptian one by that much. But there is, it just wasn’t recognized as such until much later.

The enormous carved blocks of stone that form the foundations of several temples are of different stone and cut differently than those stacked above it and now it’s realized that they were the bases of much earlier buildings that are now long gone, and that the Egyptians built new buildings on top of them.

The Great Pyramid has huge black basalt boxes in them that are too big to have been moved in after the pyramid was built. They were installed during construction. These basalt boxes exceed in quality and technical ability of manufacture, anything the Egyptians could have made.

The list goes on, there’s comparative work in other ancient ruins that is identical to the earliest stonework in Egypt, showing that there was global communication and shared technology over 9000 years ago.

There’s another major clue, which is that the Great Pyramid had a plainly visible water line two-thirds of the way up it. It’s gone now because most of the white limestone that covered it has been stripped off by the local population and recycled, over the past century.

So the Great Pyramid was drowned in a lake and it set that way for a long time, to leave a water mark of sedimentation. How could this be in such a dry country? The same way the Sphinx is badly eroded by rain. The last Ice Age ended about 12,000 years ago with the Earth warming, the ice melting and turning to rain that caused floods all over the world. The Sahara Desert had huge freshwater lakes that all finally dried up about 7000 years ago.

Northern Africa and northern South America were still very habitable during the Ice Age, and that’s where the most ancient ruins are found. Almost all the rest of the land mass of Earth was covered in ice.

The mystery here, to me, is not if there was advanced civilization 12,000 years ago. Plainly, there was. The mystery is, did this civilization develop after humanity was condensed into a few small areas by the Ice Age or was it much older and was forced to retreat as the ice advanced?

If it was, the grinding of ice over a period of 100,000 years wiped out all trace of it and scraped the Earth clean, so clean that the surface of the planet was completely reshaped wherever the glaciers crawled across it and we may never know.