Yep, this is another one of my dire predictions. Donald Trump needs to get out of the country, go buy a nice private island somewhere or something, because otherwise he’s going to be sent to some nasty prison.

Look, his enemies, which is almost every politician in Washington DC along with far too many Federal judges, are preparing to indict him on at least one Felony charge, and they WILL indict him, and they WILL convict him because they can pick the judge he goes before and every single member of the jury and it’s a flat guarantee that all of them will be Far Left because our Federal Department of Justice is Far Left.

Once indicted, he doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in Hell of being found Not Guilty.

The Uniparty owns the CIA, FBI and all the other acronym-named Federal agencies along with virtually ALL of the media, both television and online, with the sole exception of Twitter, which is the only place you’ll see anyone saying anything positive about Donald Trump.

He brags about his intelligence and he is a brilliant man in most regards, but where he displays utter stupidity is in not ever knowing when to keep his mouth shut. That and always bragging about how smart he is and how much everyone loves him. That shit gets old.

It’s too bad. He really was a wonderful President, otherwise, and when the election was stolen from him he should have just said so, expressed his hopes that things can be put right, and thanked the American people for letting him lead the country for 4 years. And then SHUT THE HELL UP.

But no, he kept on and kept on in spite of reality, that the America we knew was gone and he would never be allowed to lead the country again. His ego is just too big for his common sense to see past, and I hate to see what’s coming.