One thing about the Biden Cabal, or to put it more honestly and factually, the Globalist Cabal now running our country, is that they’re definitely out to cut China down to size. How they hope to do that by stuffing our military full of homosexuals and other freaks, I can’t guess, but they’re definitely raising hell with the Chinese economy.

The latest news is that US microchip makers are moving to countries like Vietnam, because of curbs our government has put on our chip exports to China. This hurts us economically, as usual, but it will benefit the Asian nations a lot. Of course, they’ll no doubt sell to China, sidestepping the Biden curbs, but at the same time this will spread the industry around more.

Vietnam, a Communist nation, was supported by the Communist Soviet Union back when we were getting 50,000 of our young men killed over there in the process of killing God knows how many of their young people. They were never fond of the Commie Chinese and still aren’t, and like the Philippines and other Asian nations, are constantly having to deal with Chinese predation into their territorial fishing grounds and takeovers of islands within their sovereign territories.

So of course these peoples welcome the influx of high-tech manufacturing, it helps their economies while harming China’s.

China’s chipmakers will still dominate the industry for a long time, but their near-monopoly is coming to an end and it won’t be long before iphones and other high-demand products are made in other countries besides China as well.


When Twitter first appeared on the Social Media scene, I laughed. People were actually expected to leave comments and call them tweets? Like little birds? Oh gee, how CUTE, if you’re a 5 year old, that is.

I thought the whole thing was stupid and childish. I still do. Yet presidents and dictators “tweet” on “Twitter” as if it were the grown-up thing to do, and international diplomacy is being conducted on this infantile forum.

A little-known fact, and it is a fact, is that as a rule, humans reach full emotional maturity by the age of 5. All our emotional responses are solidly set and will endure for the rest of our lives, by the age of 5 years. This should explain why we seem to act like a bunch of 5 year olds every time we get emotional.

So yeah, no wonder Twitter took off like a rocket, you can get all emotional on Twitter, and everyone does. It’s the world’s biggest virtual sandbox, where you can play nice or hit each other with your toys, steal their toys, throw sand at each other, have tantrums, demand attention, cry and whine and piss in the sand like a cat.


Not long after China and Russia claimed to have developed hypersonic missiles/hypersonic glide vehicles, we have come up with a successful test of one of our own.

The sole purpose of this technology is to deliver a sneak nuclear attack to the enemy, whichever that is. There is little or no current ability by any nation to detect these incoming missiles in time to launch any sort of counter response, if they can even be detected at all.

So of course, now that such technology is within reach because of other rocketry and space tech advances, every nation that can is working hard to develop hypersonic glide weapons of mass destruction. Soon, many nations will have them and those who don’t and can afford to, will buy them from those who do.

This way, huge sums of tax money extracted from the people of all these nations will be spent on weapons that will never be used, instead of taxing them less and letting them have and enjoy what they worked hard for.

Isn’t that wonderful?