It’s always my dreams that wake me up. Early this morning the famous John 3:16 bible quote ran through my head and it woke me up because of what it really meant then and how that’s changed today.

“For God so loves the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes on him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.

“He gave his son”. Yes, in those ancient days, children belonged to their parents. They were property, collateral goods, you could sell them and you could buy them and they didn’t stop being your property until they reached maturity, but if you sold them they remained the buyers property for life.

This attitude toward children has persisted right up into modern times and been constantly reinforced, in both Islam which is based on the Old Testament and of course also in Christianity. Children are property and plenty of Old Testament verses back that up.

It’s strange to me that in the insane world of today with all the gender-bendering, trans-sexual bullshit, that children are finally being seen as having autonomy and rights, and parents are now required to treat them as separate people instead of possessions. That’s the thought that woke me up. It took a major decline in Christianity for children to finally have rights.

Now here’s the really strange part. It is the atheist Left that demands that children be allowed to do whatever they want. Yet it is also the Left that wants abortions right up until birth, because the Left actually has no love of children at all, they see them only as political tools. It isn’t the Right that stopped seeing their children as property, it’s the Left that forced them to.

Confused yet?