In ancient times up until 500 or so years ago, when two nations went to war, the king of the losing nation usually was killed by the winner but kings rule has mostly passed away now and the kingships still around are mostly just ceremonial positions where those nations revere their royalty and preserve those offices even though the holders of them no longer have any real power.

Most nations today are ruled by committee, a congress or parliament with an elected president or prime minister heading it up, and the rules of war have changed as well. Civilians are supposed to be protected, or at least not attacked. Only the actual fighters are supposed to be fair game and the leaders of both nations get to sit back and orchestrate the battles.

This needs to end. We need to return to the old rules about kings who wage wars and target them instead of bringing death and misery to everyone else.

Think how much better off the world would be if, every time some nation started getting aggressive with their neighbors, that nations leaders were bombed into oblivion by those neighbors instead of everyone sending their young men and women to die in battle against each other and both nations ending up in ruins filled with rotting corpses.

Instead, just kill off the few aggressors. Kill the warmongers and let the rest of the people live in peace. What do you think? I like it.

We could start by bombing the shit out of Washington D.C.’s halls of Congress and Moscow’s Kremlin. Kill the leaders who would send us all to war, no matter where they are. Make that the first priority of military preparedness. Certainly, stay prepared, but put prevention alongside preparedness.

In battles the officers are always the top targets as they’re the best strategists and they direct the battles. Well, who sent them there? The presidents and prime ministers sent them there. Why should they be exempt as targets?