There’s a lot of online media and blogs now, pointing out that the destruction of our economy has to be deliberate, that stupidity can’t be the reason for everything that’s going on.

Well, of course it’s deliberate. It’s not just our economy that’s being deliberately changed, it’s our system of government, too, and the average quality of life for the citizens of this country.

The USA is still a great, and dominant, world power, but we’re not the nation with the beautiful, pristine, crime free cities anymore. We look more like we did around the end of the Great Depression, only with uncontrolled crime added. All our great cities that are “Democrat” run are Murder Inc. messes now, unsafe to even drive through.

Yet it’s strange, or should seem strange, that with all this wrecking of the once safe and peaceful society that we were, with all the crime, the inflation, the racial tensions and attacks, that our stock market is strong and the unemployment rate isn’t good but not very bad either. There’s about 6 million not working if the figures are accurate, but that’s the same number of illegal aliens who’ve poured into the country this year.

One way to get rid of national debt is to print a hell of a lot of money and pay it off with cheaper dollars or pesos or whatever. Of course, people stop lending us money as this happens, so instead of being able to borrow more to spend more, we’re just printing more and UP goes inflation.

I look to the great industrialists of our nation to see what’s really going on. When you have people like Elon Musk investing billions of dollars in new projects and certain of our industries being invested in by foreign nations, that doesn’t sound like a country that’s collapsing.

The destruction of our large cities is selective. It’s almost all the “Democrat” run cities. Cities like Chicago that no longer have foundries and plants making cars, like Detroit that no longer makes steel, like San Francisco that produces nothing except more homosexuals, like Los Angeles that lost it’s industries long ago. You don’t see the Left really attacking the cities run by the Right. They take swipes at the leaders and try to corrupt some of their laws but the big cities and their states of the Right are mostly left alone. Why? because these are the states and cities that have all the important industries in them. These are the strength of America and if they’re brought down, everything else will go with them including the government.

To summarize this so I can get on to having my supper, all the chaos, the crime, the inflation and the shortages and high prices are all part of the plan to cancel many of what we call our freedoms and exert more control over us. We call these people Communists but I really don’t think they are, it’s just that they seem like Communists. What they really are is Globalists, the goal isn’t to destroy America, it’s to destroy our freedoms, to take away our power to effect change in government, to challenge government, to do anything except what we’re told to do.

3 thoughts on “THE WHY OF IT”

  1. It makes sense…

    How it was said by Winston Smith, the hero of the novel “1984” by George Orwell:

    “I know HOW; but I don’t understand WHY.”

    Thank You for make it clear for us, mister.

    1. You’re welcome, I appreciate the questions. They make me look closer and deeper at things.
      What’s happening with our states and the cities in them is that the poor, the lazy, the violent, the drug addicts, are all merging into Liberal cities, while those who want to live better lives are leaving for Conservative cities.
      So when the time comes to start ridding the world of all our Useless Eaters, as the Globalists call them, they’ll all be packed into those cities, ready to go. They won’t have to go looking for them.

      1. New Ben Garrison Cartoon
        The GOP Establishment’s Albatross
        Trump is the stone around their neck! And that’s a good thing!

        I am sticking with Trump. His message is as fresh as it was in 2015.

        He wants to make America great again, but he was unable to follow through because the 2020 election was stolen from him. Yes, I deny that election. Democrat operatives used 3rd-world nation style election fraud.

        The GOPe wants a return of the ‘uni party’ that they enjoyed under Bush and Obama. They want to maintain and expand the Deep State Swamp.

        Trump needs another chance to help drain that swamp.
        read the great post at

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