There’s a new bill working it’s way through Congress called The Respect For Marriage Act. It’s purpose is to give Federal legal protection to homosexual marriages. What this will do is force all the states to allow queers to adopt children, force bakeries to bake wedding cakes for them regardless of religious objections, force ministers, rabbis and priests to perform weddings for them, and so on.

Personally I don’t give a tinkers shit about the religious aspects of this, it’s forcing people to accept that marriage, which for literally forever has been the conjugal pairing of a man and a woman, which has been made special and to be respected for the benefit and protection of any children that may issue from marriage, is no longer about all that.

The real purpose of this is to promote homosexuality, and lower the birth rate to decrease the population. But if this passes, as Federal Law, what’s next? Federal law requiring people to call some cross-dressing fag a woman when he’s a man? How far is this going to go?