It might be a good idea to sit back and take a good look at who’s fighting who, and why.

Today, right now, the world’s aggressive combatants are China, Russia, Iran, the so-called “Palestinains” and Lebanon, in descending order of importance. I don’t mention North Korea because they don’t attack anyone, they just keep building missiles and screaming at people like some retarded Liberal teen-aged bitch.

China isn’t attacking anyone either, but China is a real threat and a real bully and the only way to deal with the CCP short of war is to be stronger than they are militarily.

Russia is attacking. So is Iran through their Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists, and so are the idiots who call themselves Palestinians.

Least first, Iran wants a big war, or at least a lot of dead bodies, because of their form of Islam which says they won’t become Masters Of The Universe until their Missing Mahdi is found. He fell down a well centuries ago and will return if enough people die fast enough. For any reason, just die, and lots of them. Yes, they believe this shit and aim it at the Jews because they hate Jews and they’re right next door. Drop a nuke or two on Israel, BINGO, the Missing Mahdi is found and Iran rules the Universe.

Iran’s insane leaders also hate the USA, we’re the Great Satan, probably because we have a lot of Jews here as any other reason. So Iran is a Useful Idiot to the CCP and Russia, who manipulate the country shamelessly to harass Israel and the USA. Iran does have a strong military and can’t just be ignored.

Then we have the “Palestinians” and Hezbollah in Lebanon, an enemy on each side of Isreal, which also borders on Egypt and Syria. Israel has plenty of nukes, while none of the nations bordering them do, which makes them much less of a threat to Israel. This means that Israel has the position of a Deterrent to war in the Middle East and is why Saudi Arabia finally made peace with them after Iran started to attack Saudi Arabia with drone bombs and missiles. Now, if the Saudis are attacked by Iran, Israel will back them up.

This has had a major effect on the attitude of the rest of the Arab Muslim nations toward Israel, who now are at least not threatening them anymore. All this matters because Israel is the glue that holds the Middle East together peacefully. Without them, the area would erupt on war. One thing Muslims love to do is kill each other when there’s nobody else around handy to kill.

A Middle East at war would disrupt the world’s oil supply and bring everything else to a complete halt. That’s why we have a treaty with the Saudis since the 1930s to protect them in exchange for assured oil supplies. When Trump made us oil-independent, he also made us into a bigger target than we were before because we could shut down the Saudis and everyone else and put everyone else out of business economically and militarily. He wrecked the status quo.

This may be at least partly why the Biden Gang has shut our oil production back down. To make us look less threatening.

There’s a LOT behind the theft of Trump’s election that will never be told, but part of it is that he was actually bringing us a lot closer to nuclear war. There is a balance of power in the world that’s constantly under adjustment, and Trump threw it clear out of balance. What was good for us was bad for everyone else.

China: The manufacture of advanced electronics devices is the mainstay of the Chinese economy and it depends on the chips made in Taiwan. The Chinese just don’t have the technology to do what Taiwan can do. So if they actually invade Taiwan, it will be a battle royal and the ability to make those highly advanced chips may be destroyed in the process. THIS is why China still keeps threatening but never acts.

They want Taiwan for the money and tech dominance. If they controlled Taiwan their ability to dictate terms to the rest of us would be greatly enhanced because we need what Taiwan makes. So expect the threats and saber rattling to continue unabated simply to keep up the pressure until they can force Taiwan into an agreement that gives China some control or at least access to the technology. However, that tech is closely guarded because once China has it they no longer will need Taiwan and will then definitely invade.

This is why we in the USA are developing this same technical chip making ability. This would stymie China, make them more dependent on us, and take the pressure off Taiwan, thus averting what would otherwise become a major conflict.

I skipped past Russia because I think they’re going to be non-players soon. Putin can’t last much longer and once he’ s gone, Russia will either back off of Ukraine or the two will reach a peace agreement, and Russia may finally stop trying to bully all the little countries around them and start making some friends instead. In fact they may be forced to, just like they were when their Union collapsed economically. Hungry people are always more willing to negotiate.

When you read the news it looks like the whole world is about to be plunged into nuclear war. But it’s looked that way ever since 1945 when Japan got nuked to end the war and it hasn’t happened yet. The different parties fighting each other aren’t united in purpose, they’re all fighting over local grudges and hates, as you can see.

There are currently only two big players in the World Domination Game, and they are China on one side and all the Globalist nations aligned together, on the other.

My money is on the Globalist Alliance, and the reason why is because they took full advantage of the Chinese Pandemic to merge into one big Socialist group that was able to force billions of people to lock down and take poison shots to thin their ranks.

Those shots the Chinese are forcing on their people are not what Pfizer and Moderna created for us, they aren’t killing the Chinese. In fact they’re probably just water. All they’re for is to keep forcing the people out of their democratic notions and back into slavish submission. Same with the Draconian lockdowns. Submission.

You may have noticed that international cooperation with China is diminishing. China’s model of the future is similar to the Globalists, but not the same because China wants total Chinese domination while the Globalists want a melding of the global population, what’s allowed to continue living, anyway, and aren’t interested in becoming Chinese.

This is where the real action is. All those little side wars, and include Ukraine, are only distractions from the Main Event, which is China vs Globalists. Stay tuned.

One thought on “RINGSIDE SEAT”

  1. https://grrrgraphics.com/bidens-luggage-lad/


    Once again another “diversity hire” turns into a disaster for the Biden administration. Although what normal Americans see as a disaster, the communist left sees as an opportunity to strut around and loudly virtue signal how tolerant and inclusive they are.

    Biden’s puppet masters chose a ‘gender fluid’ felon with a penchant for stealing luggage and ‘handling’ men in dog masks as a Department of Energy (DOE) official. Because today that’s what it takes to land a government job.

    Our ‘luggage lad’, Sam Brinton, has been charged not once, but twice with allegedly stealing luggage from the baggage claim at the Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) International Airport in Minnesota and the airport in Las Vegas. Now why would he do that? After all, Sam scored a hefty $178K a year government salary. If you are making that much you would think you could afford a luggage set.

    Now another arrest warrant has been issued for Brinton in connection with a second alleged theft at an airport in Las Vegas.

    Looks like gender-fluid Sam Brinton just can’t resist a well traveled ‘bag.’

    I may be showing my age, but I remember when people were hired on their experience and character, their record of success and how they handle themselves in a tight situation. People were supposed to be judged by those factors, not the color of their skin, who they voted for or who or what they sleep with. Diversity is a disaster and dumbs us down. Schools and colleges lower standards and some even even completely do away with grades because they are ‘racist.’ So stupid people remain stupid and the smart people are forced to be held back in the name of diversity and inclusiveness. We are churning out a whole generation of dumbed down young people who are praised for their mental illnesses and groomed to be mindless Democrat voters.

    “Idiocracy” was supposed to be a satirical movie, not an instruction manual.

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