Remember when earlier this year and the year before, both, we were told that there were going to be massive food shortages? Where are they? Prices have gone up on food, yes, and chickens and eggs most of all because they’ve been burning down the chicken farms where they couldn’t infect the birds with Bird Flu, but all that’s done is drive up the prices. There’s still plenty of chicken and eggs in every grocery store.

What’s mostly driven up prices on everything, too, is all the money printing. When you dump another $8 Trillion or so into the economy, you cheapen the value of the dollar, and of course everyone raises prices to compensate. That’s inflation.

But the shortages and starvation and blah blah that we’ve been told was coming, never came, and it’s sure not because anyone in our government did anything right. What the hell was the purpose of telling us all that stuff when it was all bullshit and did nothing?

That looks like disorganization to me. Like there’s a lot of quiet infighting going on right now for positions of power and they’re too busy to coordinate their plans. The 20 “Republican” Uniparty members who refused to vote for that Far Left piece of shit McCarthy for House Speaker, for instance. The media played that as them being patriotic Americans and proof that we still have democracy, and if you buy that I have a bridge to sell you because it looks a lot more like they were making it clear that they have power as a group.

This is just an observation on my part and I’ll leave it at that, as something I thought worth noting.


“Almost half of top foreign-policy experts think Russia will become a failed state or break up by 2033, according to a new survey.” From MSN “business Insider”.

Various analysts, from business and economics to the military, are predicting the collapse of Russia because of their war with Ukraine. I said from the start of their invasion that this was a plot to destroy Russia, that Putin was enticed to invade Ukraine by feeding him false information.

Remember when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990? If you’re old enough to remember, Saddam was tricked into invading Kuwait by our ambassador to the Middle East, a woman at the time, who said that we would not defend Kuwait, knowing full well that Saddam wanted to invade and take over the country but was only held back because of his fear of us intervening.

Why did we trick him into doing this? Because we wanted an excuse to go to war with Iraq. Why did we want a war with Iraq? To take over their oil industry. Ultimately that failed because the Arabs are such a violent bunch of disorganized fanatical Muslims that controlling them all so we could start pumping out their oil proved to be impossible.

So now we’ve gone and done it again, but at least this time it wasn’t for oil, it was stop Russia from being a hundred years long bully and pain in the world’s ass. The Globalists want to put an end to nationalism and borders and getting rid of Russia is a big step. Russia is going to lose this war and in a big way. Keep watching.


Two sides of the same coin. With Capitalism you don’t earn money by the sweat of your brow, through your labor, you “make” money by taking advantage of changes in the marketplace. Essentially, by buying low and selling high.

Communism has as it’s mantra, “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”

Capitalism creates the very wealthy class who employ laborers at the lowest rates possible, resulting in a two class system, the rich and the poor. This creates Communism because the people always rise up against the rich and form unions which demand a larger share of the profit or they’ll shut down the industries of the rich.

The poor gladly embrace a system that guarantees them more equality. This is the strength of Communism.

Where both fail is that they’re rigid systems that lack compatibility with each other or other systems, and ever since Lenin and Marx, our world has been oscillating back and forth between one side or the other. The American experiment in Democracy tried to meld the two together by embracing a Judeo-Christian form of government that recognized individual freedom within limits, but it’s now collapsing under the onslaught of human greed, more than anything else, simply because America has been such a massive generator of wealth because of it’s success.

Greed threatens to be the downfall of the largest Communist nation, China, as well, because of their persistent efforts to dominate their neighbors, with a clear intention of world domination. This only leads to war, in which everyone loses.

Now enter Globalism. No one seems to notice that the richest people on Earth are Capitalists who are now using their vast fortunes to end nationalism and drastically reduce the human population that made them their fortunes. Think about that, it only makes sense when viewed in the proper perspective. Which is:

If you have anything close to a $billion, you have complete freedom to travel the world and see what’s going on. Your mind isn’t occupied with work and family, instead you can give your attention to the putrid polluted mess our excess population is making of YOUR planet, and you realize that most of us are unnecessary, we’re “Useless Eaters” who are wrecking the place. YOUR place.

What good is all that money you made if the planet you live on is becoming uninhabitable? Not much, right? So it’s time to clean the place up and after all those Useless Eaters are gone, you’ll still be rich and so will all your rich friends.

There’s much more to this story, involving past events as well as the probable future, stifled technology, red herrings and vastly more. This is the basics.


Ever stop to wonder why there’s such an effort in the most developed nations to create robots that look and can perform like people? Why bother when there’s so many people who will do anything they’re told to?

I’ve talked on this blog many times of the problems caused by over-population, the increasing consumption of limited resources, the extinctions and pending extinctions, the pollution, crime and all the rest of it.

Now imagine a world where there’s only a sixteenth as many people as today, where instead of 8 billion people, most of whom are living in poverty, there are 500 million people, all of whom are rich and have all the servants and workers the world needs, who are all robots.

Have you heard that the Globalist’s goal is to whittle our population down to 500 million? With so few people, what do you think will happen to cities? For the answer, look at what the really rich do. Most of them buy secluded estates to keep the city people away from them, and if they live in the cities they live in gated communities with fancy homes and lots of guards.

They attend private showings of films and go to private parties. They don’t mix with the common people. They don’t want to be around us and when we’re gone they won’t miss us because they won’t need all those fences, locks and guards anymore, or the bulletproof glass in their car windows.

Some of those dead 7.5 billion people will be replaced by robots, to do cleaning and cooking and so on. With a unified world, there will be no need for soldiers because there won’t be any wars. There will still have to be human workers, and the rich will still have to be productive, but the working class will be valued, respected and well paid. Everyone will be very well off because with all those extra people gone, there will be plenty of resources to go around.

Do you like eating lobster but can’t afford it? You could if the demand for it was reduced by a factor of 16 times. Want a brand new, self-driving car? If it was made in a factory by robots, everyone could have one.

This may not be the world the Globalists are aiming for, hell, maybe they want to form a tyranny like that horror show in North Korea instead, but I doubt it. They have few resources there and the government is insane. Take away all those people and replace them with robots and the whole point of that government collapses.

There’s really only one form of government that could succeed for the very long term, which is a total dictatorship with total control, low population and no poverty. Past dictatorships always promise prosperity and then the people starve, and the government falls apart. Humans need to be controlled until that distant day when we finally exercise self-control, but we also need to be happy. Reduce our numbers, make life easier and safer with enough to eat, and keep us from forming hate groups and committing criminal acts. Control us, give us robot servants and workers and police, and if we still can’t thrive, then let us devolve back into stupid, hairy beasts that don’t wipe our asses. But first, let’s give evolution another chance.


Donald Trump isn’t all that he seems to be. But then, I’ve had doubts about him for a long time. The man may have feet of very soft clay, though in some ways I can’t blame him if he does. What I’m referring to here is his endorsement of Kevin McCarthy for Republican Majority Speaker of the House.

By all reasonable sounding accounts and by people considered to be solid Conservatives, Kevin McCarthy is a RINO Leftist who sides with the Marxists or Globalists or whatever you want to call them, and Trump has just given a ringing positive endorsement of this man for the very powerful position of Speaker.

Why in the Hell would he do that? This has really pissed off, disappointed and upset a lot of Conservative Republicans, not to mention a lot of just regular people who were on Trump’s side. So why would he do it?

He would if a deal was made for him to endorse this asshole in exchange for not being indicted by the corrupt Department of Justice. Because they have him by the short hairs.

If he wasn’t so much in love with himself he would have walked away from politics when his election was stolen, but the adoration of huge crowds is a powerful drug and an addiction he plainly was unable to free himself of. So when he persisted, of course the Left slammed him with attacks he couldn’t ignore. They want him gone, and he keeps refusing to leave. Maybe now, he’ll stop.

He’s already said he may run again as an Independent, and that means the GOP leadership has told him they don’t want him as their candidate again. He’d have to be nuts to think he could win as an independent, let alone win at all. They own the election process now, the only winners are those they decide on. Doesn’t he understand that? What the Hell is wrong with him?

I don’t think Donald Trump’s political career has ever been about saving America from the Globalists, I think it’s always been about Donald Trump. He knew we were all totally disgusted and unhappy with our government so he ran against that government as his platform, and won. But he did it to be adored as our Savior, not because he loved America so much. He did it because he loves himself so much. THIS is why he made so many enemies, why so many of the people he hired on or appointed to political positions turned against him. Because he’s such a fucking egotist.

Ah well. It doesn’t matter, he’ll never be president again and I do have to give him credit for his efforts. Regardless of his egomania, he did put America back on some very right tracks. Of course, he probably would have found a way to make himself President For Life and ended up causing a global nuclear war, and I do believe that.

The way it is, is the way it is. We have to take things as they are, not as we would like them to be. If you want change then you need a bigger army than anyone else. So I know I’m repeating myself, but the best thing you can do is get way out of the way and let whatever is going to happen, happen.


Literally, “to gird your loins” means to wrap a belt around your waist so that your clothes don’t flop around loosely. It’s an ancient expression that came to mean “Prepare for difficulty”, like battle, for instance. You don’t want loose clothing catching on anything at a bad time.

So instead of saying “Happy New Year”, I’m saying “Prepare yourself”. If you think that shit hit the fan last year, look out because it’s not done yet. It’s not a coincidence that people like Lula are taking over the presidencies and prime ministerships of important nations around the world, that people everywhere are suddenly dropping dead in increasing numbers, that food production is being destroyed in the fields and at the factories and farms or that war and threats of war are increasing.

You know why all this stuff is happening, I don’t need to explain it. I’m just saying, don’t start thinking it’s over or that it won’t keep expanding outward, to you and past you, and that it won’t get worse, because all of that is true. It will. Stay on your toes, stay ready, prepare your mind to accept reality. When a 30 foot high tsunami wave is racing at you at nearly the speed of sound, you don’t want to stand there and watch it in amazement, or be fascinated by the display of sunken boats and ships that suddenly appear on the beach because the water is drawn back.

What you want to do is get to the highest ground you can, as fast as you can. Don’t get complacent. Just saying.