There’s nothing to analyze about the mid-term elections. The few on the Right who were able to get elected are in heavily Conservative states, such as Texas and Florida. Even then, I don’t trust any of them to not turn out to be RINOs.

There was never any doubt for me how all this was going to go and I said so right here in this blog. The Left still has all those Chinese voting machines in place and they have more people working for them now than they did 2 years ago in the last election, that they stole with ease. Why should anyone expect things to be different this time? Only an idiot would.

Which brings us to this: If you accept as a given that the only people who will be placed in the most important positions are those the “Democrat” Globalists want there, then who are the people running against them and why are they doing it?

Of course, the only answer to that is, useful idiots and hopeful wannabe’s, to keep up the facade. Anyone who runs for public office in the USA now knows that it’s fake and is only doing it to maintain the pretense of democracy, to keep the people from rising up.

And THAT brings us to Donald Trump, who said 2 days ago that he had “an important announcement to make” next Wednesday, Nov. 16. I bet I know why he’s waiting until the 16. Because by then he’ll know if our Congress has become majority Conservative, Right, again.

Well, it’s not. It’s more Left than ever, so his Big Announcement is going to be that he’s NOT going to run, that he’s backing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and everyone will think that’s what he was going to do, all along.

I could be wrong here, but I don’t think so. We’ll see in 7 more days.

One more thing. Why would anyone run for President knowing that the next president will be chosen and not honestly elected? Keeping up the facade has got to be a big pain in the ass for the Globalists so I expect them to increase term limits for the President, and maybe for members of Congress too. I won’t be surprised to see us with a President For Life, in the years ahead.


    1. That’s pretty much it. The Chinese no doubt invented these machines first to make sure that preferred Party members were elected to different offices no matter what the vote count really was, and then our Left bought them and installed them here for the same purpose.

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